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Hello everyone, here's December's current list of planned updates.

MGG Patch v1.365 (December 9th)   <-Now Available!!
[X] Slight rework to Nutrition Happiness, food preference is no longer Boolean referring to the last item consumed, instead a list of the last 10 items eaten is built, and a percentage is assigned based on how many of them were the correct type
[X] Certain Happiness elements only update every few seconds, added prompts to certain sections of code which change a Monster's happiness to recheck totals, for example after a Monster eats food its Happiness will be updated alongside
[X] Consumption requirements (Eating Syrup for Bees, and Eating Yellow Slime C*m for Thunderbirds) are now based on the list of items eaten instead of a local Boolean which did not save
[X] Breeding Requirements changed from >=75 to 60, higher ranked Species will have harder requirements
[X] Monsters gain and lose Loyalty experience at the correct level based on Happiness
[X] Reprogrammed how the "Other species in Pen" requirements are handled by all species, improved efficiency. Instead of checking all other Monsters in pen during every Happiness check, Monsters will simply rely on Pen data which counts numbers of each Species on its own already
[X] Allowed Player-mode interaction area to overlap most objects, improves detection for interaction
[X] Monsters are reassigned to current pens when a Monster is dropped by the player, or completes a Move To command without pathing failure
[X] Improved appearance of new Monster UI, found a good way to apply the wood and parchment style to the new display box
[X] Unfulfilled Breeding Requirements now properly block birth
[X] Reorganized UI elements; Social, Nutrition, and Comfort bars used to display in that order, in contrast to the text printed below which is ordered Comfort, Nutrition, Social. Rearranged the Bars to suit the latter order.
[X] Fixed a conflict with remnants of the old Happiness system which were resetting Food Happiness sometimes
[X] Fixed a glitch which prevented Monster Loyalty level from printing properly in the new UI

RogueLove v0.21 (December 19th)   <-Now Available!!
[X] New Monsters; Dryad
[X] New Tentacle animation
[X] All attacks now have tells to help dodging, even attacks which were entirely invisible before now show an effected area before dealing damage
[X] Tweaked the speed and attack delay of many enemy attacks to balance the new telegraphs
[X] Changed a couple monster stats while adjusting new attacks, including HP
[X] Most enemy attacks now roll damage instead of using flat numbers
[X] Grope attacks display a yellow coloured tell area
[X] Touched up Armor Break animation, normalized style
[X] Fixed up some off colours in the existing animations

RogueLove v0.21 Patch (December 23rd)   <-Now Available!!
[X] Fixed telegraph attacks for Whip attacks (Corrupt Faun and Dryad attacks)
[X] Added Mind Control to Dryad attacks (lowest probability)
[X] Dryad Whip attack now properly pulls in the player
[X] Fixed Dryad spawning conditions in Somber Cloister
[X] Added telegraphs for Tentacle Traps
[X] Tentacle's tear attack area is now slightly larger than it's grope area (tear attack launches if player still has armor)
[X] Added component to telegraph attacks; Tracking duration, causes this telegraph to follow the player for a set duration
[X] Fixed a glitch where Tentacle Traps played the grapple animation when merely dealing armor damage

MGG v1.37b (January 3rd)   Will use December's password
[//] Stylist fixes
[X] Fixed the glitch at the Stylist which was giving females a cock
[X] Fixed a glitch at the Stylist which made all Futa penises the max length
[X] Fixed a glitch at the Stylist which was flashing the penis size between a low number and where it was currently being dragged on the slider
[X] Fixed a glitch at the Stylist where switching from female or futa to male caused the player to become invisible
[   ] Autocleaner fixes
[/ ] Economy fixes
[X] New Monster Detail HUD now properly displays in Player Mode
[/ ] Bug Fixes


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