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The new version is now available for all Silver+ patrons! Pretty huge update here, this update finishes the pen system, adding all relevant data to the pens to be accessed by the Monsters for Happiness and other reasons.

The Happiness system has been completely revamped, and almost every Monster species has an entirely new set of things you need to do to keep them each happy.  The UI which displays Monster information has been completely redone, and now displays all the info mentioned before at a glance, so you can see quickly what each Monster needs instead of having to cross reference with the Encyclopedia.

There's also some quick economy fixes, increasing the rewards from all Trainer Quests, making them a good way to grab some cash to deal with the debt at the start of the game. Tournaments also pay out more, and all Monster yields sell for more.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a couple bugs in the new system, so I'm hoping to get a patch done within the next few days to clean everything up, and address some things I didn't have time for. Thanks for your support everyone, as always. 

Silver: https://www.patreon.com/posts/silver-build-33395646


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