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Quick look at the progress on the new Monster UI here. Note that most of the data displayed in this window is currently static text for the purposes of demonstration. The final version will also not be black and white, of course.

You can see the new information being displayed in the lower half of the window, the top half is visible until the Monster is selected, then the expanded info appears. In the expanded info section you can find Residing requirements if the Monster is visiting, and Breeding requirements if the Monster is a resident. For the next version, only the first 5 species will have Breeding requirements, however. But this system will be much easier for players to see a Monster's requirements at a glance, with the added benefit of having progress towards each requirement displayed as well.

You can also see the Happiness system, fulfilling each of the needs on this checklist will improve the Monster's mood. I've uploaded an index of Moods and their planned effects alongside the screenshot.



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