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Hey everyone, just making a quick post here to update you all on the progress of the next version of Monster Girl Garden. There's some pretty big weather changes coming to the next version, if you haven't read the previous post about it I would recommend checking it out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mgg-new-weather-86359076

One of the first things you'll probably notice when you load up the new version is that the clouds are totally different. The distance clouds (default to UE4's skybox) have been removed, and replaced with an overhead sheet which displays generated dynamic clouds. I've included many parameters in this new material, which gives me great control over the appearance of the clouds. Density, colour, speed, and many other factors can all be changed during run time.

This system is being used to implement a new, slower weather change. Instead of instantly applying all of the effects of the new weather type, the changes will slowly set in, feeling much more natural. Elements like fog, sky colour, cloud changes, etc. now occur over time, as seen above.

Lastly, the appearance of water has been improved. It now employs a distance render effect, which makes the water appear less translucent further away. Water also has wind squalls added, and a rain drops effect which is applied during rainy weather.

EDIT: It'll probably take one more day before the new version is ready



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