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Some pretty big changes coming to the weather system in the new version. First of all, there's about 7 new weather conditions which are possible; Fog, Haze, Heatwave, Coldwave, Overcast, Wind, and Hail.

Above you can see the effects being added for 5 of these conditions. In addition to the new conditions, each season will have different chances for different weather conditions to happen. Previously, the weather was entirely random and would simply swap values based on a percent chance for each season.

Under the new system, each season has it's own "path" weather can follow. Clear weather can change into lots of different conditions, but Rain for example can become Storms or Hail (in Spring). The weather will follow these systems until it inevitably returns back to Clear, and begins again. The last picture shows the currently planned paths the weather conditions will take in each season.



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