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Hey everyone!


BAM new demo for you; now as all of you know I'm terrible at explaining things concisely, but thankfully our friend Sprrigs has made some patch notes to explain what's changed, added etc that I'll copy out here:



My name is Sprrigs and I have generally been the bug guy for the past month on predation. Now I'm here to give y’all some patch notes on what the new update holds. I'm sorry in advance for my bad grammar.

Predation 0.09 Patchlist

Let’s start with the good stuff

-The tutorial has been partially added.

-The intro was added.

-Ms.Pharma has her second lust animation.

-Chef is now in the game, but lacks mature animations.

-Cafeteria was added back and now holds chef.

Now onto the general bug fixes.

-You can no longer fall through the train tracks

-There is a noticeable drop for the train tracks now.

-The hatch was fixed and properly works now.

-The top of the ladder will no longer grab the player and break their controls.

-You can now crouchkick the vent.

-Goldies pathing has been fixed.

- You can backtrack through most doors now.

-Ambers attacks are faster

-A huge number of fixes during bugtesting

-A bunch of coding work

-A large amount of texture fixes

This is about it for 0.09.

Thank you so much for your time and patience.


Thanks again Sprrigs, and to everyone in the bug team who who's been helping me to no end in staying focused, slaying errors before they become bigger than they should be and facilitating me getting new stuff to all of you to hopefully enjoy!

That being said this is the first major update in a while so I'm just going to sit here and paliptate anxiously after finishing writing this! 

I hope if nothing else this version will show my continued commitment to giving you guys something I've put my best into, which I realise had been lacking somewhat due to stuff I've harped on about more than once on this site, but now that the game is back up to a relatively good standard again it's back to the adult animating! (Which I'm also happy to say I've been finding a lot of joy in again too!)

That will be the next update by the way, or the next major one at least; Lizard Chef will have a 'pounce' animation that I'm already enjoying the work of ^^

Anyway, thanks for reading guys, thanks for still being here supporting me make this little game, I don't think it's hyperbolic to say I wouldn't be in a tenth of the good place I am in now without the belief and the support and the calling me out when it started to become apparent I was losing my way, all that stuff :)



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