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Here's my first appeasement for all of you, even if it is a few days late!

So you may all be somewhat surprised to see me posting here what with my absence; I won't elaborate too much but I guess the main point of it is I've become quite reclusive and nervous about generally talking or announcing or anything like that in the ensuing months. It's a problem, I realise as much, but I can at least show you all that I've been working during this time and have been setting up ways with some people who've been helping me in very many ways this whole time, to try and get back to a point where it doesn't appear like I've fallen off the face of the earth every time I don't post and such.

- First off we have a new  member of the team!  A good friend of mine and long time supporter of the game Sprrigs has been working on level design (and re-design) to make the layouts flow a lot better and take some of the load off me! We can both send project files to each other now and discuss the ins and outs of stuff, not to mention coding problems and all that; not only that but Sprrigs has assembled a motley crew of bug testers in the Discord server who have been noting down all the many bugs and problems that occur, so we can hopefully avoid another situation where I send out a version that causes memory leaks xD

- Sprite work and animations have been coming along also, not just character stuff (though two NSFW animations are currently in the works of the Lizard Chef and the Boss of Level 1, the Bunny (shown below); level assets and GUI assets, all that fun stuff:

And so on! These are a few of the things but by no means all of them, just some examples I figured would be good to show (and of course you'll have to go somewhere other than here to find the other animations I'm talking about! ) 

Those bottom two are cutscene parts, and I'm happy to say they're both currently impemented along with Amber now having a Codec she can call her Mouse friend and guy on the security cameras RJ; as you can see I'm trying to add a bit more plot into the thing too so I can get as much context in the first level as I can.

So yes, of course I realise I've shot myself in the foot somewhat leaving this place in particular so long without updating, but to everyone sticking around still I do very greatly appreciate the continued support; when all else fails for me I just sit there and animate and listen to videos and such, and its coz of you all that I get to do that as a viable career option so, yeah, thank you. 

I'll give what we've got already a polish up and send it to the bug team to look over, and if it all seems good I'll post up a new version for everyone to try here; thanks again, hope you're all having a fun Guy Fawkes and had a fun Halloween and such, for there will be much lewdness on the way to help out during the colder months hopefully!



It's good to have news from you. :-) I was worried, rather than angry. If I might suggest, it would be a good idea to write a short post regularily, like once a week or once a month. It doesn't have to be specifically about the game, or have to be accompanied with work in progress each time. It's also a good opportunity to vent, share your feelings, or even ask for feedback if you're not sure about something.


Good to see you're still alive. Just a heads up, I strongly recommend you post a bit more often as I've had a few creators disappear on me and ended up out a bit of money. Even if you haven't made a lot of progress, just letting us know that work is still going on is good.


you're right yeah, I'm going to try my hardest now I've made this post to get back to more regular stuff; I do wanna keep to it, would suck if I screwed this up for lack of communication xD moreso anyway!


That's fair yeah, I do need to get my head in the game a bit more and not put it off in favor of 'oh well once they see the work it'll be fine' coz... well I think I was just making that excuse in my head so I could hide out here in my office xD


I'm just happy to see you're back and didn't forget about us!