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Mink love the water, right? This one's gonna be wading about thigh deep in pursuit of dinner, and I'm assuming her fur is doing its part in keeping her warm.

I do pretty much all my digital work in Painttool SAI, but this is a little excursion into Clip Studio Paint. It's taking a little figuring out, but the program is much more fully featured than what I'm used to. For a lot of simple tasks I need to swap files between SAI and PS, but this could make that unnecessary. How nice would that be??

More of this fishing girl to come.



Little Napoleon

I love the lines of action in this piece, and can't wait to see how you approach rendering the water! How are you enjoying your foray into CSP? Were you able to find all the functions okay and get it to perform a bit like you're used to on SAI? (If nothing else, it must be nice to have a decent liquify tool now without having to boot up PS!)


As with anything, there's a learning curve. Thankfully it hasn't been too brutal, and I've been using some tutorial videos to learn my way around it. The convenience of having basically all the tools I need in one program is SUPER nice :D Now I'm mostly left hunting for the brushes I want, and I'm not used to having so many options for download...


Hope the transition to the new program goes well for you. Good luck. Looks like you're figuring it out well.