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Hopefully the color has done something to improve the sketch. I REALLY enjoyed giving her some lighting, in part because CSP made it feel surprisingly easy and organic.

Thank you for being patient with me posting the finished piece. I was getting all prepared for my first vacation of the year (and wow do I need it). Only problem was this vacation happened to be in Florida just when the first hurricane of the season was making landfall... The vacation will have to wait a couple more weeks, but considering how it treated those in its path, I don't feel too much like complaining :P

I've got something kinda silly lined up for the next post...



Little Napoleon

The bounce lighting is a wonderful touch! Sorry to hear the vacation timing was thrown off-- you've certainly earned one. Enjoy it when you are able to go!


Don't know if it was the particular brushes, but I was super happy with the reflected light I managed to get in this one :D And thanks, the vacation had a bit of a stumble, but now it's back on! In a few days time I'll be in sunny Miami!


Okay! This is just EPIC! OMG! How you designed her and the hints you put in to tell us about her world. *Chef's kiss.* This is really incredible. From the muscles arms down to her thighs. It all really makes me wonder what she spends her time doing. What caused her to develop muscles like that and how does she use them. I'm sure swimming is part of it, but it feels like there's more ruggedness than swimming. Then there's that bow and arrow. That subtle tech. Not intrusive, not separate, but working with her tools and built into the design. She's got a casualness about it that tells me this is standard in her life. (Does the necklace have something to do with it?) The coloration of the feathers too. Is it her tribe? Something for herself? What? Is that a tail pouch?! lol. Thank you. This is so cool and amazing. Thank you for creating and sharing. You are awesome.