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I'm behind on posting -- here and especially in my public galleries. I know I don't have a "schedule" to adhere to exactly, but usually I'm getting enough productive creative time in my life that it balances out pretty well and I usually have a couple finished pictures to show for myself every month. This year hasn't been going that way. The time I've been carving out for artwork has usually been less productive than I'm used to, but that instead means it's gone more into study sketches and less refined work (some of which I will be posting since I've read some comments expressing interest). The past few months parts of my life seem to be falling out from under me, which means there needs to be time to build them back up again. And as naturally as anything else, art is a big part of that.

Late afternoon and Juno's got some summer essentials in her hands, ready for a good time. Or not.

My fully colored pictures usually start with such a sketch and color thumbnail. For a long time I resisted putting the forethought into thumbnails since it's so tempting just to jump into applying color -- thankfully I moved past that and I think it's helped every pic I've done it for.

Finished pic will be coming next!




Juno looks awesome, such natural appearance in both anatomy and behavior.


Personally I like seeing sketches and such from you.