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I am currently... in TAIWAN!

“Why? Why the hell are you in Taiwan?! What about Medical?! What about being sick?!”

Well, that’s precisely WHY I’m in Taiwan. See, I went to that medical appointment for the ultrasound, where not one but two certified techs did their thang.

Following that, I was informed that I would be informed of the results in 5+ business days. And since it was Thursday and Friday was a holiday, that meant sometime after the FOLLOWING week.

When I requested they tell me if they even spotted a blip, I got the expected answer of, “We are not qualified to give you an answer.”

To which I replied, “Well yes and no! How else would you even be qualified to use the equipment? You gotta know what to take snapshots of, am I right?” It’s not like an EKG- which I’ve done many... many of on our own men and women in uniform. You just plug and play that sucker and take the results to the Doc. No reading required!

Anywho- when they informed me of this I told my wife to book a flight to Taiwan. A doc from the VA called to follow up about the appointment and I basically lost my shit and explained how it’s taken two months to do an xray, endoscopy and an ultrasound. (An ultrasound machine being the size of an EKG machine on little wheels for portability.) And basically how our Medical system could fuck off while I just get shit done elsewhere.

Well- that must have pissed her off, because she called the Doc that did my Ultrasound. Suddenly pixie dust is being thrown and pigs start flying and I get a call about my ultrasound. There’s an “anomaly” in my kidney. Huh, so much for 5+ business days! So I get told I need a CT scan, and that I’ll have to call Monday and that most likely it will be several more weeks out.

I don’t even bother to point out how she’s literally called to tell me it may have been another MONTH before a CT scan could be done. I don’t. Instead I got my happy ass on a plane the following day and- holy shit did it fucking suck.

I don’t even want to talk about that plane ride. Or it’s follow-up. Or it’s predecessor.

Jesus take the wheel.

BUT, since I’ve been here (in Taiwan) I’ve had bloodwork drawn (twice- once for your usual stuff and once to find out what my allergies are), some xrays done and completed my CT scan. Of course this Friday (today) was ALSO a National Holiday for Taiwan (“Dragon Boat” is the name.) so I’ll get the results Monday.

So next week will... hopefully... be the week of answers.

So again- thanks so much for sticking around and your continued support. I really can’t express how much it all means to me.

I’ll do my best to make this all up when this is all over. I got two new artbooks to help me work on some of my major weaknesses in my art, and will put them to use as soon as I can. (Backgrounds being one of them I think.)




Progress! Oh boy, the VA. All I'll say is yeah, that sounds about right. Feel better, I'm glad you have *some* peace of mind!


My dude, all my time in banking I have had customers share some stories with me about the VA and THIS one... oh boy this one. But hey man, you made it to Taiwan and you are gettin' there! My heart goes out to ya! I'm so happy you've finally got at least some BETTER news! Keep on keepin' on!!!


Our fucking healthcare system.... God damn... Well, I'm glad you made it to Taiwan in spite of the pains of the flights, and that you're actually making real progress in this!