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FINALLY seeing a Doc regarding that Endoscopy that EVERY DOC has told me I NEED ASAP for what... over a month now?

And if for some reason (money) that I’ll never really understand (money) if the actual GI Doc states he needs more time (money), then I’m Ee-Fucking-Mediately going to TAIWAN.

We already called the clinic in Taiwan and verified I’d be seen in one working day and it’d cost me about $100 bucks!

I’m so fucking over it right now! I love ya’ll for being so fucking awesome and considerate and sticking with me! And I’m so fucking over not giving something back right now.

The plane ride will hurt, my wallet will hurt, but at least my fucking insides will be sorted out and I’ll be able to eat more than RICE IN WATER with WATER!!! And just MAYBE we’ll fix my shit and it won’t hurt!!!

I love my country, but goddamn it’s showing me almost ZERO love back right now. So tata for now and please just pray that my Endoscopy goes well/safe whenever we DO get this done so I can GET BACK TO WORK!!!




Good luck, man. Yeah our healthcare system is fucking garbage. I lost a friend because he couldn't afford his medication anymore. So take care of you, whatever it may take.


Best wishes! And don't forget, while our politicians might balk at fixing our health care, the people that make up our country are mostly on your side of this issue.