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So, I’m coming back! I’m still sick- but where Western Medicine has failed me, a Chinese Medicine Doc gave me some stuff that seems to be working!!

Still not sure what is causing any of it really. We’re thinking MALS since everything else has been ruled out- but good luck finding a Doc that knows what that even LOOKS like on a test since it’s so fucking rare. It can be seen in 10-24% of all patients worldwide, but only effects 1% of that. So yeah... goodluck!

Anywho, the Chinese Medicine Doc held my hands for three minutes, shut her eyes and felt around my pulses. I was like, “Great, here’s Pocahontas LISTENING to the colors of the wind.”

Then tells me my pulse to my stomach is weak and lists off some of my symptoms I hadn’t even informed her of yet.

Gave me a bunch of bags of powder and BOOM! Almost a week later I’m working on a commission again. I mean... following that I was immediately so sick I couldn’t sleep all night but... Progress!!!

On that note, I’m getting back to work and will be talking with a figure maker here in Taiwan about making some HIPFC figures for the VN Kickstarter! I will make a poll regarding that momentarily.

As of this moment I’m sitting outside of the Doc’s office awaiting to hear what she has for me next.

Cheers! 8)



Whoa! Glad to hear she was able to help! Crazy what different techniques will work to listen to the body and understand what's going on. Glad you're on the up and up though!


Good to hear you are better buddy! Take your time! We will be here when you return! :)