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🔥Looks like we're gonna settle it in Smash! ( งㅇ             ω    ꒪)ง🔥

Thanks for helping me decide y'all!~ XP I'll most likely get to one of these other ideas sometime! #5 and #7 in particular since they're the runner-ups X3c

Now is time to figure out some Smesh detailsssss~!!
-So one big change I was actually considering was doing away with the RNG wheel entirely and allowing all characters submitted to participate in the smushing~ :0 They would all enter a bracket and the winners of each 8-player match would then enter one final match against the other finalists to determine the winner-winnerrrrr.
Lemme know below what y'all think, or if we should keep the RNG wheel to keep things simplerrrrr :0
-As far as the ruleset goes, I was thinking 3 stocks, no items, no FS meter 🤔 If ya hav any suggestions or wanna consider any changes to the ruleset, lemme know belowww (and ♥ others' comments if you like their ideas tooo~!)
-For the stage(s), I'll probably stick to bigger ones like Big BF or Temple? 🤔 Again, lemme know below if ya hav suggestionssss (like wanting to opt for smoler stages to bring more chaos? XP)
-For character selection, I'm thinking of keeping it all on random~ It would be kinda fun to match the submitted characters with a similar Smish fighter (like they did in the game with spirits XPc), but I feel like leaving it to random would be the more fun and fair option 🤔 

Again, leave your comments below with thoughts and ideas and suchhhhh~ I'ma continue workin' on draws today but I'll keep an eye on this postttt~ 


And Honoraries!!~ Get the grils ready cuz starting tomorrow, I'll open up your character submissions in a separate post~ ( ง ò           ω     ó)ง Get ready for the next battle!



*hums Lifelight excitedly~*


I mean you got a few options. Hyrule Temple fight club is a classic, can never go wrong with it. But new pork city has the big chimera for real spicy upsets! And then there’s Great Cave Offensive! …It’s offensive! (Im not a huge fan of it)

Jack Z

Yoo, imagine 8-character submission smash on Great Cave Offensive Perfect meme~

Michael Faux

Love the idea of doing a smash brawl to decide the submission. I Probably will get destroyed though 😂


The duck is the queen of the Arena and now she must watch all the warriors fight for a spot XD

Joe Dover

Hopefully if I make it to the 8, I get to be Snake

Jeffrey Beam

Maggie you are having way too much fun with this…..I’ll make popcorn


I'll view this as a chance to submit a very obscure but cute character


i do think it could be a good idea to make sure all the submissions are on an even playing field by picking one character for all of them to be, random does sound like itd be more interesting although i imagine itd feel kinda bad for someone's submission to get a bottom tier while someone else gets a top tier that can completely counter them although either way could work fine, just bringing this up in case its something you want to consider!


I feel like doing a full-fledged bracket could be a bit much time-wise. If you don't want to randomizer-wheel the 8 girls, however, you could hold a quick poll to determine who gets into the final fight (basically, the girls with the top 8 vote amounts all get added to the fight). I suppose that could defeat the purpose of doing this as an alternative to a poll, though. haha Rules wise, I like what you suggested, and I feel that keeping the fight to a simple stage might be best. Big Battlefield has my vote! I guess the last thing would be, would you randomly determine a character that represents all 8 choices (so 8 Marios/Yoshis/Jokers, etc.), or would you actually set all 8 girls to random for maximum chaos?


Aha yeee I wanna steer clear of a popularity poll this time since that's the whole purpose for doing this alternate method instead of the usual polls~ XPc I just thought using Smash itself to randomly decide on the winners instead of the usual RNG wheel would be more fun, and would give everyone a chance to fight instead of just 8 of them~ And I was thinking of setting everyone to random~ I considered doing something like how Ultimate did Spirits: with similar fighters representing the 'spirit' characters XPc But that would probably leave a lot of fighters (particularly the animals and non-humanoid ones) out of this event and would probably end up being a lot of anime swordfighters T vT/ May not be as fun with a limited character pool aha

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 15:42:32 I thought it'd be a more fun RNG method to have randoms fight instead of just the RNG wheel T vT/ And who knows~ With all the chaos of 8 Lv9 CPUs going at once, maybe even a lower-tier will manage to pull thru~ X3c (Although, I may do a few test runs just to see how some potentially troublesome CPU characters can be with this mode, like Kaz > v >/ If I he ends up just always winning somehow, maybe I'll consider banning some fighters or somethin then XP)
2022-09-19 23:05:09 I thought it'd be a more fun RNG method to have randoms fight instead of just the RNG wheel T vT/ And who knows~ With all the chaos of 8 Lv9 CPUs going at once, maybe even a lower-tier will manage to pull thru~ X3c (Although, I may do a few test runs just to see how some potentially troublesome CPU characters can be with this mode, like Kaz > v >/ If I he ends up just always winning somehow, maybe I'll consider banning some fighters or somethin then XP)

I thought it'd be a more fun RNG method to have randoms fight instead of just the RNG wheel T vT/ And who knows~ With all the chaos of 8 Lv9 CPUs going at once, maybe even a lower-tier will manage to pull thru~ X3c (Although, I may do a few test runs just to see how some potentially troublesome CPU characters can be with this mode, like Kaz > v >/ If I he ends up just always winning somehow, maybe I'll consider banning some fighters or somethin then XP)


Fair enough! I understand your thought process. Guess we just gotta cross our fingers if there's a particular girl we're hoping will win! :)