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A continuation of Miku Nakano's draw from almost three years ago~ Nino swapped to a comfier outfit to go running around in as she went off in search of her missing sister :0 However, she seems to have run into the same trouble that Miku encountered! 🚐 At least the two'll be reunited soon~ >X3c ehe
There's just one question... where did Nino's socks go..? >       v  >

Bwaaaaa I finally got something to a good enough point that I can share it T    v  T/ Lots to do but I'm slowly chipping away at 'emmmmm~!
There'll also be some alts for this draw down the line for sure X3c Although not as many as Cana or Ryza and DEFINITELY not as many as Marin 😂 bahah

Also!~ Some of ya on twitter may have seen that I was struggling with drawing a pose for a long time. This... is not it XPc Bahah the pose I was having troubles with is for another draw I've been working on at the same time as this one (and a few others) X3c I'll hopefully get that one sketched to a decent point here soon toooo~

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy the progress so far!~ (/  。          ◁゚)/


Sketch WIPs can be seen in the dropbox below~





It’s not there in the link


dat ass 😎


Since she is still in the Sketch process, would it be too much to ask for a variant of her with her Bikini that she has in her movie?


I really do love the boob squish you give the girls 🫣it’s adorable


The best of the Nakano quints <3 Really nice work~


Uhuhu, very cute~


really love the squish on her chest on the ground, the squish on your damsels has been really good lately~

Jack Z

Damn, I can never get enough of this artstyle, real cute and some very nice work so far~


Great work as always! I can’t wait to see the completed work. 😁😍 Could this lead to something with all 5 quints?


To say this looks amazing so far would be a colossal understatement, and I must agree with the general consensus…love that 🍑~


There's some variants already planned, but a bikini alt unfortunately won't be one of 'em X0


After doing some research into Nino for this draw, I'm inclined to agree~ (╭☞✧ω✧)╭☞ hehehehehehe


X3c Thank yeeeee!~ Been trying to practice the secret art of squish lately ye! ( ง ò ω ó)ง


Haha thanks!~ And I always like to leave these scenarios open-ended so we'll seeeeeee XP


(´ U `ʃƪ) Thanks Imotaaaa!!~ Always gotta do my best to deliver the gud 🍑!~ ( ง ò ω ó)ง


As always, no matter which lucky gal gets the treatment, you always come through! The gugs are always drawn with such intent to keep them quiet!

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 15:42:32 X3c Hehehe of courseeee~ >:3c Thanks Diooo!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞
2022-09-26 07:29:32 X3c Hehehe of courseeee~ >:3c Thanks Diooo!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞

X3c Hehehe of courseeee~ >:3c Thanks Diooo!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞

Bryce chandler

Looks good already can’t wait to see the finished version and I look forward to seeing all the alts for her