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Ahoi again y'all!~
It seems that a buncha ya liked quite a few of the ideas put forth in last week's survey X3c So let's put it to an official poll this time to determine how we'll run this month's poll thingy~ (/ 。                        ◁     ゚)/


Multiple choice is turned on, so pick all the ideas you liked~ X3c Poll will run until the end of the day MDT 9/16/22 (my lil brother's birthday! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞)
Once a winning idea is determined, we can get into the details of how we wanna run it too X3c
Oh and I'll most likely get to some of these other ideas at some point too, so don't feel bad if it isn't chosen for this month~ :P

Anyways!! Again, here are the ideas put forth, plus I included a couple that were suggested in the comments as well~
1) Patrons submit and vote on a scenario/theme/etc. and I (Mag) will decide on the gril to fit into the winning scenario/theme/etc.
2) Same as past fan art polls, but make it so a different placement other than 1st place wins (ex. 10th place wins)
3) An RNG wheel picks 8 submissions, who are then put into an 8-player Lv9 CPU Super Smash Bros battle with all choosing a random character (char selection could also be determined a different way). Winner of the battle wins.
4) Chai Photoshoot: Patrons suggest and vote on a scenario/outfit/appearance for Chai's next photoshoot scene.
5) Same as above but with a randomly selected OmniV character (RNG wheel?) and not necessarily a photoshoot scene (ex. kidnapping, peril, etc. instead)
6) RNG wheels only. First character to be picked X number of times wins.
7) Help Mag choose. I (Mag) pick an assortment of characters on my own to-draw list and y'all vote to narrow down the choices. (Could be combined with another of the above ideas like #2?)




Happy birthday to your brother 🥺

Purple Paradox

7 is definitely my first choice! 5 and 3 are close, but 7 definitely sounds like the one I like the most XD Enjoy your brother's BDay too!! ^^


These are some pretty good choices I've submitted my votes but, no matter which option is finalized, I will continue to enjoy the content received from you :) And happy birthday to your brother!

Jack Z

5 and 7 are my personal favorite options, however it seems everyone wants to see you upload a smash bros match XD But either way I’m sure it’ll make poll results fun still :3 And enjoy your brothers birthday when that comes around as well