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Patrick - Excelsior

Yes, I do believe that is the Beard-hunter. How is he finding them, through eating butt hair, double yuck! 😆 Great, now the butts talk (not sure if these butts are zombies). Aww, all Janes underground friends are gone, but what about Kay? The original personality. Why are we seeing her dad again. I thought he was finally removed from the underground. To stop Immortus, they have to cut a mole off her. Yep…its Doom Patrol. Did that woman marry a butt-zombie? Then get turned into a butt-zombie? Poor Larry, always cooking, but can never eat. Sad. Kind of nice the team sitting around reminiscing. Hmmm, that puzzle piece came together when Jane smiled and rested her head on Cliff’s leg. Aww, that’s kind of sweet. They wouldn’t do it to save their own lives but they will fight Immortus to save Rita. Cyborg is back! So the butts are taking over, seems like the future we saw is happening but wouldn’t Immortus be able to stop the butts? And the Doom Patrol gets sent into what I assume is a time portal. OK. Hmmm, I just realized, where the heck is Dorothy? I do think the binge style of watching this show helps, with its confusing storylines, its easier to follow without time gaps causing me to forget things.