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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8y0oarfs6oyxtzwa8wmop/Doom-Patrol-S04E11-Portal-Patrol-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=z0deh0csp0kv7s6yifwhvhz3h&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I think the show has definitely had its ups and downs. There were moments throughout the show that I'm glad exist. But then there are other episodes or story arcs that are questionable, to say the least. The show came off at times like it appealed to a more intellectual audience, making us say huh, what's going on. But I think it was more because the writers didn't know sometimes how to connect the docs and tell a cohesive story. I think this episode was a strong penultimate episode. They are starting to show how everyone's story is coming together and giving us a glimpse of how it will turn out. I know this wasn't one of your favorite shows but I'm glad you stuck with it nonetheless. Looking forward to watching the finale again with you.

Patrick - Excelsior

How the hell does that entire, thick walled pod fit in Cyborg? I know, Tv Show Gotta TV Show. Convenient that they are all going to sets that have already been built. Crowley! Caulder! I like it when shows bring back major characters from past for final episodes. Ah, that piece of Immortus mole Niles put in the aquarium looks like the green mist that infected Rita when she first got her powers. Did they just insinuate that the smart girl in the scholl helping Vic is his daughter from the future? If you think about it Shan, if Cliff let Caulder die, Caulder never causes Cliff’s accident, he stays with his family (remember he was driving with them after apologizing to his wife), his wife doesn’t die and he never becomes Robotman. Jane is all the personalities now, does that mean she has all the powers at same time. Yes, a good episode and that’s from someone that doesn’t like time travel shows.