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Brandon Wiesner

Madame Rouge's line at the end of the song with the ghosts "what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" pretty much sums up this episode. I don't think every show needs a musical episode and this is a great example of one that could have been thrown out of the writer's room. Your face during Cliff's song about masturbation gave me a big belly laugh though, so thanks for that! The show's plot reason for the musical reminded me a lot of Buffy. The villain throws them into a world of song and dance and they had to find a way to break her spell. I guess it might be common though, I don't know. I don't watch a lot of shows that have musical episodes. Thanks for giving us 3 episodes this week. Now you're close to finishing.

Patrick - Excelsior

OK, intro was a little different. Ah, a musical episode. OK, that operatic WTF is going to become a clip. So Rouge has escaped the mind control. LOL, Cliff singing about masturbating was so funny. Mainly because of the look on your face Shan. That was priceless. And Now Larry has escaped along with Rouge and he has the bandages on. But when Cliff found out he didn’t become a robot again, WTH? Vitamin B complex Shan. 1 pill a day. You too will pee neon yellow. (Plus more energy, feel better, good for heart, digestion, and improved brain function.) Krypton, a colorless, odorless, gas that occurs in trace amounts in the Earth’s atmosphere and is often used in fluorescent lamps is on the periodic table, not kryptonite. (sorry, the engineer in me couldn’t let that slide) Hey Rouge, there is NOTHING wrong with bursting into song about a Clambake. If you don’t believe me, watch the Elvis movie Clambake. So half want to stay, the others want to go. But Immortus has taken the decision away, because evidently, they are Doomed.