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Brandon Wiesner

Shane was sus from the get go, sleeping with Lori while Rick was in the hospital. Even if he was convinced he was dead, it's still his best friend's wife. That's the biggest violation of the bro code there is. I have a big issue with that for a personal reason, which I'll divulge below. I had a wife back in the 90's and we ended up separating. At the time, I had a best friend who I did just about everything with. We even played in a band together. Some months after she-devil and I were separated, my now former friend confessed to me that they were sleeping together. I guess it started happening after we separated but we weren't divorced yet and even if we were, it's still my best friend and my ex. Ugh, I get skeeved out even thinking about it now. Yes, Lori was also to blame for allowing Shane to get close to her in that way but in my book, not as much as Shane. It was like he was waiting for the day Rick would be out of the picture. Just like my ex best friend. But yeah, this was the moment in the show that Shane went from the sus guy to the villain. Of course, the cliche shaving of his hair was the icing on the cake, so to speak. What he did to Otis was cowardly. He wanted to save his own ass and he is the personification of the saying that you don't have to outrun the bear, just the other guy running from the bear. I have to give Jon Bernthal props for his acting chops. But yeah, Shane is just getting started.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You decided to record The Walking Dead ....And what did I decide to do??? Make some food... Yeah that's right.. I'm back to my regular old self when watching TWD ...I go into it with a plate full of food ....Gore does nothing to me 2. You: "Someone needs to come up with a compilation of weird coincidences" ...Referring to how actors seem to pop up in several different shows in one week .....Me: "Not it!" ......Edits like that are an entirely different thing ...A lot of research goes into it ...The 20k video I made was already kinda difficult to piece together since I'm not all that familiar with all of your content ...That one was a community suggestion driven thing ...Besides ...I'm busy with a fuckton of other edits but more importantly playing games with my bestie 3. Look... I'm not saying you look like her twin or anything ...I'm just saying there's similarities ....I always thought the actress looked really cute ...Enough for me to be like "Ooooh this girl looks like Beth.. Click" ...I said what I said ...I have no ragrets ...It's thanks to Beth that I found you ...A actress/character from The Walking Dead brought me here ...Weird 4. I can agree that Shane DID. try to keep Rick safe by blocking his hospital door ...But that's pretty much where my empathy for him ends ....Dude didn't try to go back for Rick ...Probably just instantly went to Lori and be like "Welp.. He's dead" ....Followed by NOT. NEARLY. enough time for Lori to grieve her presumed late husband before they started having sex ...Lori for sure is partially to blame there ...But so is Shane .......As for a potential affair BEFORE. the outbreak ...This show is too old for me to remember if that's the case or not ...I guess we will either find out or we won't 5. For sure Froots ...Your hair would QUICKLY turn grey in a zombie apocalypse ...All the stress you'd be enduring ...Also.. You'd better not be doing anything stupid ...It takes a while to travel and make sure my bestie is safe ...Provided I'd be able to find you ...Which I sure would try ...But I'd probably be grey too of worrying 6. Did Daryl go out looking for Sophia cause he cares about Carol?? ..OR.. Did he go out looking for Sophia cause he couldn't sleep due to Carol crying and Andrea making noise by putting bullets into magazines?? ......I'll stick to the former ...Daryl seems like a pretty good dude 7. Look... It's not my fault ...YOU. asked if the accents were always like this and Coral (Carl) was the thing that came to mind ..You did this to yourself Frewts! (Froots) 8. Yeah I can understand why Lori would think it'd be better if Carl were dead so he didn't have to live in a world full of walkers ..Still a pretty fucked up thing to say ...We'll get back to that at some point 9. So this is a pretty funny scene.. Buuuuutttttt... Also not really realistic ...I know ..I know.. TV Show gotta TV show ....But in reality ....A guy hanging himself.. Dying and turning into a decaying corpse ....His head would've detached a long time ago considering the stage of decay he's in .....I'm NOT. trying to gross you out here Froots ...This is just another example of why zombies will never be a real thing ...The way dead bodies work or rather don't work goes against everything zombies can supposedly do ....Perhaps in knowing that it helps you in time learn to overcome your fear of them 10. Yeah why was that a "Waste of an arrow"?? Why couldn't Daryl just take the arrow out of that guy's head?? Clean it off a little.. Maaaaaybe put a new arrowhead on it and it'd be good as new 11. I'm sorry... But... Hershell: "How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" ...It cuts to a shot of Shane with the most clear "Oh shit" awkward of looks on his face ....I started laughing .....Shane is an asshole ....But that shot of the actor's face got me ...That was NOT. supposed to be in there I think 12. HA! Maggie just handed Shane some new clothes and said they won't fit him well cause they belonged to Otis .....Shane is gonna be walking around with some BAGGY. clothes 13. Yip... Shane is a DICK. ....Dude injured Otis so he could escape ....That scene though is a clear example of why it's not the walkers that are the "scary" part about this show ....It's the people ...And what we are capable of when it really comes down to it 14. Yup.. Otis saved Shane cause he was a good person ...Shane on the other hand not so much ...Luckily this is just a TV show and real Shanes don't exist ..............Right? 15. To be honest though ...And this DOES. sound fucked up ....But you are right ...Shane's priority was getting back to Carl ...By shooting Otis he gave himself more of a chance ....I can't COMPLETELY. fault him for it ...Given the same situation I CAN'T with 100% certainty tell you I wouldn't have done the same if it were for someone I love... In fact I probably would have done the same... But only for the RIGHT. person ...We go to extreme lengths for the people we love ...Although you are ALSO. right that they could have perhaps BOTH. made it out alive