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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zxzm86i9t3tzpofoclumx/Doom-Patrol-S04E08-Fame-Patrol-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=etwmrjn3j1wt7zc8tl069gjeq&dl=0

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I'm so fucking confused

Patrick - Excelsior

Hmmmm. Weeeeellll. Ok. So everyone has issues. Nothing new there. They are all dying, that's new. And the zombie butt is missing. Immortus is pissed that Doom Patrol (I just realized their initials are DP .... 🍆🍆...how appropriate for them ... lol) is getting all the attention. Jane can't find the underground and it sounds like the underground is looking for her. Rita is overjoyed she finally has attained a small amount of fame, but is ignoring everyone else's problems.. Larry is trying to find someone who can take care of Negative baby, Keeg. Cliff it losing control of his robot body while trying to find the missing Zombie-Butt. Cyborg seems to be the only one that is doing well. So, that all makes sense ..... not!