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1. We spoke about this in voice afterwards ....But to reiterate ...Claire Otoms is a character based on the original character "Dame Edna" created by the comedian that plays her ...If it's offensive to real life people to portray such a character then I'd assume that Mrs. Doubtfire would be equally offensive and that people hated Robin Williams for the portrayal .....I looked at a video the comedian did on live TV and it seems the character on the show is similar to the one he created/played in real life .....Although I have no doubt the show dialed it up a little to make fun of people like her 2. I'm thoroughly disappointed you don't remember how we met ...I can legit still remember it like it was yesterday ....And it wasn't ....It's getting close to 5 years ago now ...It's odd ...I can't remember things I JUST. watched or things I JUST. done the day before ....But ask me how I met my bestie and I can picture where we stood like it JUST. happened .....I remember the important things ....I guess I'm just not that important to you ....This little shit... Telling me she doesn't remember .........Feeling bad yet?? ..What do you mean no??? RUDE! ...Don't make me pull out the big guns ...I'll steal all your pokémons ...I'll do it! .....I'm just messing with you Froots ...You're tollerable and kind of ok ;) 3. You: "I mean.. I'm pretty damn immature" ...Shows a baby bottle ......Also you: "Maaan.. I've been sitting on this one since chrimmus" .......You've been sitting on it?? Sounds rough Froots ..Sounds rough ....But hey.. Don't lose that immaturity ...I don't like hanging around boring people ...So please ....PLEASE!!! ...Don't change 4. The whole fake pecs idea is fucking stupid ....What if some woman really falls for that dumb shit and you're too stupid to tell her you're just wearing some body suit?? ...You what?? End up dating her??? And then sometime after there'll be a time when she starts wondering why you're always trying to avoid anything intimate ....She finally finds out ...And oh look... You've been lying to her all along ...Now she hates you cause not only did you lie to her ...You also don't look like a guy she'd ever consider dating ......I dunno why John decided to go along with this stupid idea ....Well... I guess I do ...It's this show 5. And I suppose one could say something like "Oh but it'd be a funny story to tell later" ....Nah ...John is legit trying to trick a woman into falling in love with him by faking the way he looks ....That's fucked up ...Sadly it's a thing though ...As a guy you're forced to match a certain image and be fit or whatever and/or as a girl you have to slap on a fuckton of layers of makeup to hide the real you or else you'll be overlooked by any of the "good looking" guys and end up single ...Vanity and ego have killed love .....Case and point a lot of teens these days look absolutely fake as shit like they stepped out of some Jersey Shore reality show ....THAT'S what it's come down to ...Looks have become overly important and it doesn't matter if you're a giant douchebag or an absolute bish as long as you're "hot" you're good /rant 6. Sooooooo.... In the previous episode Claire was there cause of some case or whatnot ......Why was she in this episode?? Why was she hiding in the bathroom overhearing Ally talk to New Girl?? What purpose other than to lowkey kind of mock her in that commercial did she have? 7. True... They haven't even mentioned Larry ONCE.. Is it cause this is just business like normal?? Characters seem to move on really quickly (case and point John and all his love interests) ....Or is it cause they don't want to mention Larry cause of the way RDJ left the show? 8. John.. Dude.. You already tried once ...You tried telling her you loved her and she shut you down ...Nothing's changed ...Just cause YOU. love her doesn't mean SHE. loves you back the same way ...Why try again? Why go through that heartbreak AGAIN?!? Wasn't it already painful enough to see her with another guy? ....Walk away ...And if you can't ...Perhaps take the win that you can still be friends ...You'll feel miserable but perhaps seeing her be happy might sometimes ease that pain ...But yeah... Why try again!? 9. Okkkeeeeeyy.. Joooohhnnn... That was a bit manipulative ....John just lowkey hinted to Ally that she has met her soulmate and that the odds of her meeting someone like him is gonna be extremely low .....I THINK she got the message ...But Cyclops showed up and interupted them 10. You: "I don't believe in soulmates.. I believe you can connect with someone and you can connect with more than just that someone" .....Me personally.. I don't believe in souls ...I do believe a person is out there that you can really connect with more than you can with anyone else ....Sadly it doesn't always mean you'll end up with that person 11. Yeah same ...Not really seeing any potential between Ally and Cyclops ....Hopefully they'll move on to something better but can we really beat Tony Stark?