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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/muij807t5pmpr4dotorkt/Person-Of-Interest-S03E17-Root-Path-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=a8zwtzko0wp9l53emv1lctitc&dl=0

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Hi! I fell behind for a couple episodes, but I've caught back up! I enjoyed this episode and I appreciate watching Root's slow evolution to someone who might be able to mesh a little better with the greater team. I have a feeling they're setting her up to work with them more regularly.


A great Root centric episode and one of my favorite of the show , i always felt that this episode completes Roots training by the machine and starts her integration into Harolds team, before this episode she already trusts the machine and does anything it asks of her but she still needed to learn that ultimately saving a human life is perhaps even more important than completing the objective ( in this case getting the chip before Decima ) , you were wondering how Root heard Shaw below that window ; the machine told her it was speaking to her through her earbud she always wears , well now she has that implant Decima can't jam