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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/df9lrx8wqa08uone2akr7/Daredevil-S03E09-Revelations-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=if69gdbscwvnjos6cdqwvik95&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

There were some very subtle clues that Sister Maggie was Matt’s mom. The way she looks after him, cares for him even when he was a child after losing his sight. She knew all about his father, she saw all his fights, how he always got up after getting knocked down. Her talks to Karen about Matt and her detailed memories of him as a child. How she was there for him as he cried at night until one night she couldn't be there, she talked about abandoning him, how everyone that loves him abandons him. Its so subtle that if you didn't already know you wouldn't see it coming, but comic fans were looking for it. In the comics, Matt's mother left his father and him when Matt was a child and became a nun. Very dark episode. They've done a great job showing the power Fisk wields thru blackmail, threats, framing and intimidation.


It just leaves me with nothing to say how good this show is especially with Fisk being back in power but even more than before he controls more of the police than last time & actively messing up everyone’s lives I do wonder what Dex will do next & loved seeing Matt mental struggle talking to his dad & Fisk very cool how they set all that up with Matt being frustrated with himself