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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ct0ufbe03mezjimom7tli/Chuck-S04E18-Chuck-Versus-The-A-Team-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=3kjq3f5vz2ud8vbx98a46neqg&dl=0

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I really liked this episode. It was fun to see Chuck and Sarah spying on casey and finally know the truth. aha, i caught you laughing at a jeff and lester joke! You will never live it down Ellie having the computer at the end is going to be interesting. Will she finally find out that chuck is spying again? Will she finally learn about chuck having an intersect? I honestly dont remember lol i havent seen the show in a long time. Good reaction and excited for more!

Patrick - Excelsior

Sorry I haven't commented much here. I got a new computer and have been working on setting it up and reinstalling software. It caused me to fall behind on watching reactions. I surprised they cracked the code on Chuck's dad's laptop. He seemed to be a next level genius and in the past it seemed no one was able to crack his codes. So now they can create Intersects when ever they want. Why not make Casey or Sarah an Intersect? Not liking this idea. Uhoh, now what are they planning with Ellie. Are they going to make her an Intersect?