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1. True... The way they wrote RDJ out of the show was sloppy ...Dude just moved back home after he TRIED. unsuccesfully to figure out a way to propose to Ally and after they got into an argument over her paranoid delusions seeing him talking to his ex .....It was all happening much too fast ....I don't know HOW. I would've rewritten it ....But perhaps just use the same as was already given but at a slower pace ....This all happened over the course of what I think were the last 2 or 3 episodes .....It COULD. have been done better if it had been stretched out over at LEAST. 8 episodes 2. You're a frikkin dum dum ...Trynna mash 2 magnets together.. Trynna get them to stick and asking why they won't stick ....Magnetic fields Froots ....Magnets have a positive side and a negative side .....Opposites attract ...But hey... Keep trynna mash them together ...It was adorkable 3. Yip... Apparently from what little I know of James Marsden ...Dude DIDN'T only star in movies ...He was a main in Season 5 about a year after he was on X-Men ...Which apparently wasn't even his first movie .....But yeah... Cyclops is now a lawyer it seems 4. Ally: "A boy... A total boy ....And a pretty boy at that I'd never go for pretty boys especially young pretty boys" .......This woman did NOT. just say that.. An episode after taking a young guy to prom 5. Yeeeeeeaaaahhh... I'm a bit confused as to why Ally is talking out her issues with this guy... Dude is a lawyer ...Now they're saying she hired him to be his therapist??? That doesn't make sense ....Am I supposed to believe this guy is both a licenced lawyer AND. a licenced therapist?? ...I feel like they just added this to his character cause they could make it look funny if the "I don't feel comfortable" lawyer guy was also good to use in other scenes 6. You: "I have heard a lot of people changing a man and becoming disinterested" .....Welp.. That's a thing that happens a lot sadly ...Love is about loving someone for who they ARE. and NOT. for who you want them to be ....So if a person gets into a relationship and their first thoughts are "How can I make this person better" ... "How can I improve their image to fit my needs" ...Then they're too immature for a real relationship ....Cause if you ACTUALLY. love someone ...Then again... You'll love them for who they ARE. ...You'll love them DESPITE. their imperfections ...Mic drop 7. Also... This "I'm not comfortable" Lawyer/Therapist Dude just said men like to be changed and live to obey ......Yeaaaahhh.. Naaaahhh... WRONG. ...I have ZERO. desire to be changed... I mean... I'm open to opinions to be fair and am WILLING. to change things if I feel a good point had been made ...But I am who I am.. Accept me or don't .....As for obeying ...Bish... Good fucking luck with that 8. Yeah John... Calling Ally a porkchop NOR. a lambchop... NEITHER. of those are good ones ...Also... You need to make it rhyme ..."It's alright porkchop"??? That just doesn't sound right 9. Yeah nah that's not true at all Brenda (Scary Movie Girl) ....Attraction is NOT. instant ...Instant attraction is JUST. lust.. There's no real love involved there cause you don't KNOW. the person ...2 people that work together CAN. end up falling in love over time ...Cause the more you work together ...The more you get to know eachother and feelings might develop ....Getting to know eachother FIRST. is in my opinion crucial to finding someone ....I'm thinking Brenda is more of a dating app kinda girl 10. Poor John... Completely missed his shot ...I mean... Not that he HAD. a shot ...But "I like you.. You like me.. So let's get down to business"??? .....Yeah nah ...That was OBVIOUSLY. never gonna work ....Oh well... Even though I DO. think Ally and John would work as a couple... They're similar in so many ways ...But... Sometimes besties is all you get to be 11. Aight so we had porkchop.. Lambchop.. And now we've got "tramp" as a nickname? ....I feel like this show doesn't do well on nicknames ....I can think of better ones 12. True... We had new character last season.. Some of which are gone now and now we're adding at least 4 new ones ....And this is the final season ....Did we really need ANOTHER. mixup? ....Couldn't we've instead focussed on establishing more stories for the OG characters?? ...I dunno... It just feels a bit like they don't know what direction to take the show into