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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d3awsxaopops31sj1oei3/Grimm-S05E20-Bad-Night-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=4mzvwbt9p6c4wapjk7jq8f6eh&dl=0

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Yes, HW. Hadrian's Wall, named for the wall build by Romans in what is now England to protect the Roman province of Britania from the Picts and other tribes further north. The only thing holding back civilization from the monsters who would destroy it, in other words. At least from the Romans' perspective. As for the show itself, it started out as an episodic monster of the week show, and I don't think the writers were able to get out of that mentality, even as it become more serial and more well loved for those storylines.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yes, this is a controversial episode. The people that sell chairs love seeing them destroyed because then you have to buy more. People ain’t goona just sit on the floor now are they. But the people that love and collect chairs, well they are in an uproar. 😄 Ikea probably sponsored this episode. Keep in mind, Renard has always been a little sketchy. He constantly kept things from Nick. He always had his own agenda. Most of what he did in season 1 was to try and get Nick under his control. He said so a few times. He is after all a Royal. And let’s not forget he was the one that ordered Nick’s Aunt be killed. He sent Adalind in to do it and when she failed, he ended his relationship with her. He uses people. I’m not saying he is outright evil, but he has always had his own agenda. This is they way he probably would have done things, once again he will use what’s available to get what he wants. Diana definitely giving the red head the hate eyes. My worry is how will she react to Nick being Adalind’s love and not Renard. Nick has Definitely ramped up since season 1 on the killing. He took those two vesen without a thought. I really like how Adalind is still refusing to do any more than she absolutely has to for the Black Claw people. Also like how she booted Renard out of bedroom. She may have to be there to keep the kids safe, but she is letting them know she is not going to be pleasant about it. I don’t like what that creepy old dude from black claw said on the phone at the end. It sounded like they know where Hank’s fake girlfriend was taken. Yes, very good episode. Hopefull we get more of these.