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Steve Quast

Well you made it through your first Lord of the Rings movie. Congratulations! You made it! I love the movies because they're very artistically well-done and I think Peter Jackson does a good job of trying to draw us into the world that Tolkien created. But the first movie, especially, is rather slow in places. Part of the reason I only watch these masterpieces every so often. Yes, I saw each one of these in the theater when they first came out. My cousin and I were amused with the fact that the actor who plays Elrond was also Agent Smith in The Matrix. So, whenever he would come on screen we would say (to ourselves so as not to disrupt others' viewing) things like "Mr. Aragorn! We meet again," in Agent Smith's voice. Yeah. We thought we were funny. PS One easy-to-make homemade dessert I really like is flavored yogurt with granola and chocolate syrup. Don't know if that's considered a weird snack, but it's good.


Well Shan, I have to say you really nailed the key part of these movies - lots of walking lol. Some of this is just because it's the extended edition, but it's supposed to give you a sense of scale, how big the world is, how long the journey is. But I agree, lots of walking. This trilogy was huge at the time it came out, I remember going to see all 3 in cinemas. For the time, it was an epic feat of filmaking as they filmed all 3 movies at the same time and released them each 1 year apart. Early 2000's special effects still hold up very well in this movie too. The soundtrack is one of my favorites outside of Star Wars. There are so many things this movie did right, it's truly impressive. They said that Lord of the Rings would be impossible to make well, and even from the first movie they succeeded. Sam is my favorite, so I was really happy with your reaction near the end. I still tear up a bit :)