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Always fun seeing actors in their early bit roles. The guy bugging Kyle about Tess is Taran Killam, who's also married to Cobie Smulders.


1. You to my note about Sherrif Valenti being in the right to tell the gang off for going to Vegas: "Eeeehm.. Let me just like... Hold your back right there ..Cause... You're acting like werkleblerkle blanket" ......Ok.. Seems the alcohol from last night is kicking in 2. Oh we're doing the fourth wall break again?? At this point we're gonna be running out of walls and their place is gonna collapse ....They're gonna have to sleep out in the cold 3. Liz hasn't been writing in her journal for over a year? Probably for the best... If the military got a hold of that journal then Max and them would be FUCKED. .....Then again... The odds that the military is gonna go snooping for a 16 year old teenager's journal are probably pretty low 4. You after thinking Liz was crying after Suck kissed her: "I mean haven't we all cried after kissing a guy?" .....Can't say that I've ever kissed a guy Froots ...And I'd like to keep it that way ...But if you cried after kissing a guy ...I dunno... Might be something to unpack there 5. Wait what?? Max remembers what home looked like??? Did we see this??? I don't remember seeing this ....Why didn't we see this? 6. Holy shit... The guy who is talking to Kyle ...The actor is Taran Killam ...I kinda know him from back when I used to watch Saturday Night Live ....But you know what you'd probably know him from Froots??? .....Dude is married to Robin ...A.K.A. Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) 7. Hmmm... I dunno... Liz is basically like "I was really looking forward to this prom" ......And Max is like "Oh... Well we can go" ....NOT. really feeling the enthusiasm here Max ...Girl was looking forward to this for well over a year ....Maybe don't act like it's not a big deal 8. Seriously?? Liz needs a bus to get to school??? Come on son... When looking up if Roswell had an airport for the previous episode I saw a satellite picture of the town and it looked about the size of MY. hometown .....There's no fucking way Liz would be THAT. much of a lazy c... to need a bus to get to school ...Roswell is NOT. THAT. big 9. Wait hold on what?! Suck can't be within 1000 feet of the highschool??? ...The FUCK. has he done to get that kind of rule set on him??? ....I'm GONNA. go with setting the gym on fire cause the only other option I see is him being a child predator 10. Suck to Liz about Max: "Well you should've just told me you're back together.. I don't feed off another man's taco platter" ......First of all.. She doesn't owe you SHIT. .....Second... Taco platter???? Ehm... Hi.. Tony here.. My mind has permanent residence in the gutter... Why do I feel like that's a euphemism?? 11. Yeeeeeeaaahhh... Alex COULD. have been a bit more tactful on turning down Isabel ...But... Dude DID. get shot down before ...In SOME. way ...She had this coming 12. Get the fuck outta here TV Show... There's no way Michael is cheating on Maria with some woman called Juanita.... No fucking way ...Juanita... Bish sounds old 13. Liz to Suck showing up out of nowhere: "Oh my god you are like ubiquitous" ....You: "I don't even know what that means" ......Same Froots ....And no fucking way a 16 year old teenager would be dishing out words like that either ....Buuuuuuutttt... I googled that shit ...Ubiquitous means present, appearing, or found everywhere 14. Froots... I still think you having the bumpers up during bowling is the BEST. thing ever ...That and the victory dance you said you do ...Never change 15. Dude... I would TOTALLY. lane-walk on that bowling lane ...I would also... TOTALLY. face-plant on my attempt ...Seems like fun though ...Liz seems a bit boring for NOT. doing it 16. Yup... Isabel just guilt tripped Alex into asking her to the prom ....Kinda fucked up ....Theeeeeennn again... He's always really liked Isabel .....I can understand having a soft spot for that kinda stuff... Sometimes a girl can just get away with shit like that ...It's not fair ...It's manipulative! ...Manipulative I tells ya! 17. Ok yeah kinda weird for Kyle to say "Don't you ever talk about my sister like that" ....Dude... Tess is not your sister ...Cause that'd be EXTRA. weird if you'd be taking her to the prom then... And don't let THAT. be how they're breaking up this ship ...Cause that's lame ......Also... Maria Hill's hubby is disgusting for asking if he can have a go with Tess after Kyle is done ....Gross 18. Ehm.. Liz... You saw Max and Tess sitting on a bed... They hugged ..That was IT. .....YOU & KYLE... We're laying NEKKID. in bed! ....You don't have ANY. right to talk here ....You did WORSE. ....And what you saw Max and Tess "doing" wasn't even what you think it was 19. Also... They keep bringing up the whole "You and Tess were married in this other life" thing ....And it's like ...Yeah... Key words there are "Other" and "Life" ....Max and Tess are clones of their former selves ....DOESN'T mean they're SUPPOSED. to end up together ...Liz needs to let that shit go... That's so Season 1 20. Yeeeeaaaah... Getting Liz to repeat the whole "You and Tess were married" thing over and over again and having Kyle tell Tess he sees her as his sister .....We're reverting back to the end of Season 1 ....I don't like it either 21. SEE!! MARIA!!! Ofcourse he wasn't cheating! DUH!!! 22. Man... So much of this prom is not gonna be useable cause of all the songs in the background ...This episode is gonna be copyright hell (turns out it wasn't that bad) 23. Yup... And we're right back to Season 1 ....All for the sake of drama 24. And ofcourse Liz goes to Suck for comfort .......Did NOT. like this episode 25. Ok the end of the recording though... Seeing a doofus wearing glow in the dark glasses ....WORTH. IT.