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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oothg2j75bftbswt1ajkc/Daredevil-S03E07-Aftermath-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=q8bi0ap6zh3y0vxf0bswhx3f6&dl=0

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So much happening haha Fisk having more control than ever and ruining both of Matts lives is crafty. And I think Fisk chose the building he's in cause maybe it was a safe house of his no one knew about cause that big secret camera room he had with the lady clearly wasn't built in a day looks like it was already there. I like that Agent Nadeem is starting to see the truth and not be blinded by his families falling financials but everyone in this show is so real I love the writing of it especially for Foggy this season


So Fisk is only 5 steps ahead of Daredevil? Those are rookie numbers! Fisk you gotta get more steps ahead. Prometheus was 10 steps ahead of Green Arrow by the same point in his season and he didn’t even know what game they were playing! Be better Fisk