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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ncm51p0giruq1sr9ei8y9/Person-Of-Interest-S03E15-Last-Call-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=iq2ap1p4dk6nfy8sk7d33pn0z&dl=0

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Aleph Sharp

This episode was one of my favorite numbers from the second half of the show, the parallels between both the villain and the 911 operator and Harold were great, right down to the 911 operators origin of a death where they felt like they should have been able to stop it and couldn't, and the in-episode comparison with the villain. I found Sandra's actor surprisingly compelling in this episode, and I liked the character. The voice on the phone was also really menacing in a suburban serial killer kinda way, where there was just enough threat in the voice, but also sounded average, so kudos to the voice actor for that one. I also liked to see that Fusco was getting some office recognition and getting to be more of a mentor to the other officers. I think its a really great step forward for him.


Happy new year, Shan! The last bunch of episodes were all great, just not had much energy to comment. Interesting seeing Finch continuing to struggle with the personhood of The Machine, despite doing more than anyone to protect it. Good seeing everyone adjusting to the new reality around them.