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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/l5sz3jfy

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/leemk8qvzslz24qejm09e/Chuck-S04E16-Chuck-Versus-The-Masquerade-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=33a09bj0rq7p4td0wq67ptuv5&dl=0

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I really liked this episode! I like that Morgan is growing up but it's also sad bc I liked him living with them. But it is showing how far Morgan's character has gone. He went from extremely annoying similar to Jeff and Lester to a very lovable character that hasn't lost his boyish charm. He now has a very serious relationship and I think that's really great. I love seeing Chucky and Sarah together as usual. I can't wait for their wedding!!! I loved seeing more Devon and Ellie and seeing them be parents. Jeff and Lester were in it but for only like a minute. Perfect amount of time for them if they are gonna keep showing up!