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Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, this episode was a lot like the rest of the season. A weak season finale for sure. Also yeah, I was saying the exact same thing throughout. When was there a wedding? The case was a long shot and Ally knew it. But that's another thing that frequently bothers me about the show. Lawyers can choose whether or not they take a case. They make it seem like well, they're the client and they are paying money, so they have no choice but to represent them, even if they don't agree with what they have to argue. Has this law office never heard of giving referrals? It was no surprise that prom kid was going to have a good voice, because Josh Groban was playing him, who is a professional singer. The surprise was seeing him in an acting role. Also, they got the actual KC and the Sunshine Band to play their prom. The rest of us meanwhile had to listen to shitty cover bands, lol. I'm sure RDJ was still in the credits because they couldn't really change them but yeah, unfortunately he was let go from the show due to his infamous arrest for the drug charges. They likely had a whole different arc in mind for the character, where him and Ally end up together but instead, they wrote him off and that's why we got this confusing story where they suddenly break up and he leaves town. I guess we will see how S5 turns out but this IMO is by far the worst season up to this point.

Patrick - Excelsior

This episode is called 'The Wedding' because it was originally planned to be the wedding between Ally and Larry. But as noted before, he was let go due to a drug use arrest, so the episode was rewritten. The producers kept the name of the episode, despite it not having a wedding in it at all, as a joke. The kid Ally went to prom with is Josh Groban, he career took off after this and he is now has four solo albums have gone multi-platinum, and he was charted in 2007 as the number-one best selling artist in the US.


1. Hey look... I'm sure there are certain people that WOULD be ok with their significant other NOT. taking time off to be there for them on their birthday ...HOWEVER. ...We were talking Ally here ....Ally was upset about Larry not being there for most of it ....So in this case ...If you're Larry... And you're in a relationship with a woman who WANTS. you to be there for her birthday ...You TAKE. TIME. OFF. .....Or at least that's what I would do ...But maybe I'm alone in this 2. Ally continues to see dancing babies and now it's one that turns into a full fledged demon monster .......If this show doesn't end with Ally in a straightjacket ...Then justice wasn't served 3. Yeah so for SOME. reason the blonde actress playing the L.A. actress girl DEFINITELY was wearing a wig in the las............ Billy??? ....But why?? 4. There's no way this case is about a girl not going to prom with this guy ....There's got to be something else to it .....Please... This can't be it ....How ....What!?! 5. Imagine... Getting rejected by a girl ....This girl then moves on... And you sue her for moving on ....Like.... I GET. the feeling of rejection... I do ...It's heartbreaking and it's something I'd rather never experience ever again ....But to sue the girl for moving on ...For going to prom with someone else ....That's just sad 6. I dunno... Dude just said his client is a bit of a necrophiliac when he MEANT. to say his client had agoraphobia .....And then he said "Yeah no he definitely isn't one of those" when Ally explained what necrophilia was .....But I think it'd be funny if had said "Oh sorry.. That part was supposed to stay confidential" 7. This IS. actually a case?!?! Aaaaand knowing this is Ally McBLTHoldTheTomatoes they're probably gonna win this thing too ....Poor girl who rejected the guy is gonna have her prom ruined cause he couldn't take a rejection 8. I can't help but NOT. care about Ally being sad about Larry dumping her ..She ruined that for herself .....Aaaaand although this scene of Renée being there for Ally IS. kinda sweet ....I'm vaguelly remembering a moment earlier in the season where Renée got dumped by Jackson (I think) and I'm fairly certain Ally wasn't there for her ...In fact I'm fairly certain Renée was standing there and was watching Ally and Larry be happy right in front of her while she basically JUST. got dumped .....I think it's rather selfish of Ally to ask Renée to comfort her by playing the piano when SHE. did nothing for Renée when she was sad .....Long note ...And I'm as shocked as you are ...But in a surprise turn of events Renée WAS. actually a good best friend here 9. Jeebus.... Look... I'm ALL. about keeping promises ...But THIS. right here ...This girl supposedly promised the guy to go to prom with him and Ally is making it sound like that's a vow to take JUST. as serious as a promise to get married ...It is NOT. .....It's a fucking prom ...They're teenagers and teenagers change their minds ALL. the time ...The fact that the guy is sueing this girl for not going to prom with him is absolutely pathetic .....And the fact they've made a case out of this feels like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to ideas 10. He does it again! "Malcolm is a borderline necrophiliac" ...in my mind... Malcolm: "Dude.. Chiiiilllll ...It was only that ONE. time and the body was still warm" 11. Dude: "I don't believe that there's other fish in the sea" ....I mean I can understand that feeling ...But if the person you love doesn't love you back... Don't sue them over it ...If you TRULY love her ...You'll want to see her be happy even if that's not with you ....And if you can't see yourself ever loving anyone else cause you believe so strongly in there not being "other fish in the sea"... Be alone ....It's not THAT. bad 12. Really?? We're doing this again?? Ally... Stop trynna go on dates with underage boys ...It's fucking weird and it's gonna make that guy look like a total loser 13. Richard: "I love proms all that young waddle" ...DUDE! Those are teens you're talking about you sicko 14. (I understand why he said no ..But this is where my mind went) Ally: "Do you think you could give god a little message for me" ...Billy: "Absolutely not" ......Me: Why?? Cause you're in hell?? ....You're in hell ...Aren't you Billy??? ...nods... Makes sense 15. Aight I for some reason recognised the song being sung in the opening shot of the prom and was like .....Did this school get the ACTUAL singer to perform his song at the prom??? That'd be VERY. unrealistic .......Theeeeeeeennn again... We've seen Remy Zero perform the Smallville intro at the prom at Smallville High soooooo .....I guess we're just supposed to believe some singers will take ANY. and ALL. opportunity to make some cash 16. Yup... Aaaaaand we're back to Vonda singing ...I recall a story I read somewhere that during the creation of this show the creator was out and heard her singing at a bar and just HAD. to have her on the show cause he felt like she was perfect to be the "voice" behind the show or some shit like that .....But I can't help but think ...Dude probably wanted to get into her pants 17. Yeah as far as season finales go... This one was shit ...I really thought it was gonna end a certain way cause I still know of something to happen on the show that hasn't yet ...But apparently that doesn't happen until sometime in Season 5 ......They really rewrote the shit outta these last few episodes and completely dropped the ball ....Buuuuuuttt.. What can you do? ....Sometimes real life gets in the way 18. So yeah.. On that note.. Cause of some real life issues.. RDJ was written out ....He was great as Larry during his time on the show.. He made Season 4 bearable.. One scene will always stay with me.. You know which one Froots ...But I'm glad he got the help he needed