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I think the answer for how Diana knows anything is a blanket "she's magic" - I guess that's good enough? Hearing that Zuri's brother is a sophomore in Eugene means that he goes to UO (University of Oregon). I went to grad school there, so it was fun hearing it referenced in a show. This Zuri/Hank interaction is a bit awkward, but I guess that makes sense given how things ended. Eve is being weird. I feel as though the writers can't decide if she's "emotionless" or not. She keeps butting into the social aspects of other relationships when it's not relevant to a "job" for HW. I still don't love the insistence that Adalind will become an evil monster three or whatever weeks ago when she got her powers back. My theory is that being a Hexenbeist/Zauberbeist means a much higher vulnerability to wanting power (almost similar to a genetic predisposition for addiction) and that Adalind's love for her children has been strong enough to negate that vulnerability. Ohhh my goodness, bird feeding bird like that kind of grosses me out even when it's for cute baby birds. Some family obligation. You know, the dude might not be killing people, but is desecrating a body a crime? I feel like that could be a thing. Adalind is getting.... kidnapped....? Well, that's not cool.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, get an Uber dude. And you crashed, shocker. And now you get run over, I guess that’s poetic justice. Eeew, at first I thought that bird vesen was French kissing him. But then he started slurping the drunk’s insides up that tongue/tube thing. I guess the running him over was to tenderize him. Great, now the bird vesen is going to get drunk. I thought when Adalind said we need to work on trust she would then tell Nick about her Hexen, but nope. smh. Did Wu just cough up a hair ball? “This guy got boned.” Ha Ha. Was thinking same thing, why are you keeping this a secret Wu? Ok the bird dude didn’t eat his insides entirely, just the bones. Hmm, its kind of like a momma bird feeding its babies. So Hank dating that panther vesen from long ago. I do like bourbon glazed salmon. You’re right, it doesn’t make sense bird dude would go after Wu over Monroe, Wu was knocked out, not dying. They should have written something in about him taking to perfume from Monroe after Monroe laid in the park. Then show the bottle broken on Wu when he knocked himself out. That would then make sense. Woah, Wu’s face…that looks weird. Not werewolfy at all. When they are good, I don’t mind some Monster-of-the-Week stories to space things out and break things up. But this was not good. It had potential as an idea, but was poorly done. More poetic death, bird dude runover by truck then eaten by parents. Renard kidnaps Adalind then shows her Adalind. Where is this going?