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Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, this was a weird episode for sure. The whole idea that this woman has this power that draws men to her and they're powerless against it is way over the top. I get the concept of a queen bee but in the real world, that's not what that means. Ally and Larry were onscreen for 30 seconds of the whole episode. Like why? This is filler of the worst kind. Almost felt like a backdoor pilot for "Cage & Fish."


1. This takes place in the year 2000 Froots.. You're absolutely right.. People DID. have mobile phones back then so yeah Larry COULD have texted Ally on her birthday telling her he might not be able to make it ...And none of that bullshit like "Only rich people had mobile phones" ....I had a mobile phone at that time... Does that mean I was rich?? I mean... I DID. grow up in a house with stairs sooooo 2. Ok now I know the show is TRYING. to make it seem like this woman in the first scene is someone who apparently men are all swooning over ....But to me.. She's NOT. even REMOTELY. attractive ....And so seeing the steam or whatever coming from her in the elevator just made me think she stinks.... Like.. STINKS.. Really... REALLY. BAD. 3. Ok another minute into this scene and I'm already EXTREMELY off-put by this woman ...I am CRINGED. THE FUCK. OUT! by this entire scene .....Who thought that this was a good scene!???1!?!? 4. Sucking toes???? Can I skip this scene??? "You must stop thinking about my toe" ...BISH! YOU. brought up the subject! ...CRIIIIINNNGGGEEE!!! 5. John is into her too??? PLEASE... PUH-LEEEAAASSEE.. Let there be a guy in this episode who is COMPLETELY. unaffected by her ...Cause that'd be 110% me ...added after... DAMMIT! 6. Hold up... Reverent Dude has a girlfriend named Buttons??? ....Is she small and furry and looks like a teddy bear with buttons for eyes??? Cause that's the only legit way you can get away with calling someone Buttons 7. You after Reverent Dude invites Nelle and Jackson to come to the service: "This is just a ploy to have them come to church" ....Yeeeeaaah... They upped their game trying to convert people ...I'm not buying it ....Plus there's no way this "Buttons" can be a real person 8. HOLD... UP!!! ....Did mah dude just say that most of the men at the company lust after this stinky woman and that MOST. of them have had sex with her.... And that there's a 100 men working there?!!?!? .....I .....I .....I dun.... GHWAT?!!? 9. Sucking toes... Licking fore-arms ...looks around the room... I don't want to watch this episode anymore.. Can I go now? 10. Holy shit Froots.. Look! ...Buttons is ACTUALLY. a person! ....That's gotta be a stage name.. Right!? ....No fucking way any parents would go ..Y'know what? ...We're call our daughter "Buttons" ...Surely she won't have ANY. problem in school with THAT. name 11. Here's the solution to the reverent's problem ...Tell both women that they can ONLY sing church related songs ...If they don't follow that rule ..Kick them both out the chior ..Done.. Solved ...Next case! ...added later... This woman says she's the music supervisor and can sing whatever she wants ...Bish... It's STILL. a church... It's not a fucking night club! 12. Wait what?? Stinky Bish ACTUALLY. uses sex with the men who work for her to improve their job performance???? ...looks around the room again... I CAN'T be the only one who sees a problem with this?! 13. GHWAT!?!? Soooooo... Lemme get this straight... Reverent is not allowed to date anyone cause his ex is in the chior??? For him to date someone new is sexual harrasment?!?! .....Bish!!?! HOW?!?!! 14. Yup... From this whole conversation I was already thinking "Ain't no way this bish has a law degree" .....She's her "emotional representative"?!!? .....This whole case needs to be thrown out the window ...Maybe throw out the "emotional representative" as well ..Looks like she needs some fresh air 15. Angry Bish: "She can sue... She's got Quid... She's got Fro... And she's got Quo" .....Bish... It's quid pro quo .....NOT. quid fro quo .....Fro??? Why are you bring hairstyles into this conversation!?? 16. Ok new deal... Angry Bish wants the reverent to dump his new girlfriend OR the ex gets to sing whatever she wants ...This bish is saying "There's nothing you can do about it" ....Me thinks she's watched too many episodes of Law & Order: Straight Out Of Compton ....Cause the ex can EASILY be fired and a restraining order can be filed against her ....I mean ...Provided Ally McBagOfSkittlesTasteTheRainbow actually dealt with cases in a normal way 17. Yeah I had to slightly rewind the scene and risk getting more cringed out... For like a split second you could see someone's leg enter the scene when Stinky Bish was lifting up John ...Hopefully whoever it was wasn't turned on by her ...Can we please have a guy show up who DOESN'T like her?!? 18. Yeah if you're THAT. upset about your ex moving on and dating someone else who just also happens to be in the same chior ...Maaaaybe it's time for you to find another chior?? Get over yourself... People move on ..Maybe you should too? 19. Buttons: "Quagmire" ....Me: "Giggity" Buttons: "It's a legal quagmire" ....Oh ok never mind I thought they were randomly bringing up Family Guy again 20. Yeeeeaaah... This whole case has been about this ex not being able to move on ...They broke up in Season 1 ...That's 3 years ago by now (I don't know if the timeline has every season match as being 1 year but still) ....Find another place to sing your songs.. Get some therapy ...Find yourself another guy ...Do something ...Besides... He's religious ...You don't wanna be in a relationship with a guy who loves an invisible man more than you anyways 21. UGH... Angry Bish is like the aunt with the big mouth who sees injustice and just HAS. to get her 2 cents in ...And the Ex is dumb enough to have her represent her 22. FUCK. OOOFFFFFF.... NEITHER of these cases ended with justice being served ....Neither Stinky Bish NOR. The Ex deserved a win here ...Stinky Bish is sexually harrassing her employees who for SOME. reason find her attractive and The Ex gets to sing her songs while the reverent apparently isn't allowed to move on and date someone else ....This whole episode was utter dogshit 23. I'm VERY. disappointed that there wasn't any guy who put Stinky Bish in her place by NOT. being attracted to her... I think THAT. would have made this episode bearable for me.. But only SLIGHTLY though.. Instead I ended up with 23 notes expressing how much of a problem I had with this episode ...Hopefully the next one will be better