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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f7te2znrxkx7zsm0nujp4/Ted-Lasso-S01E01-S01E02-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=hpuxlg1oje6s9sy5tjkrdzgg8&dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

I wasn't that interested in this show when I first heard about it, because it was based on a commercial and I've seen shows like that before and they were awful. So, I figured this wouldn't be any good either, but I like Jason Sudeikis, so I thought I would at least watch the first episode and that I would probably stop after that. However I found the first episode interesting enough to keep watching and honestly I love this show. I have 5 top favorite shows that have never changed in over 15 years, until this show which knocked a show out of my top 5 and went all the way to number 2 on my list.


one of the greatest shows of all time, an underdog of sorts

Patrick - Excelsior

I'd heard a lot about this show but never watched it. I liked it. A little reminiscent of A movie called Major League, with some Mr. Baseball in it. Jason Sudeikis as the American manager is really likable as well as the coach and even Nathane. I will watch more. If no more are requested will watch it on my own.