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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y57ytm9w7d9l3vgiwsbg3/Grimm-S05E16-The-Believer-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=prr5jufhamxj3wxixdfz7n6c6&dl=0

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Love it, I had the same FRIENDS reference thought with the "he doesn't know we know" statement. Okay, if I witnessed something like that without knowing what was going on, I wouldn't be clapping, I'd be like "dude possessed, I'm outta here". Joan Vark?? Like.. Joan of Ark?? Weird. I was starting to wonder if the two "prophets" knew each other and it seems so. Yikes - I guess we're sticking with the Wu got scratched story. Double yikes - Eve is a little stiff to be Renard. Also, I have no idea if a woman in a man's body can get someone pregnant...

Patrick - Excelsior

A religious fanatic episode. Not a fan of those usually. Once in a while you get a good one but its rare. No more story advancement on Wu getting scratched, other than a sore neck. . OK, lets go to town on the religion references. The devil dudes bodyguards are named Mark, Luke, and John, as in the apostles. Three of the four gospels. One of them betrays the man that 'saved' him, devil dude, for coins, then hangs himself. Just like Judas did after selling out Jesus for coins. Just like Jesus on the cross, devil dude was pieced by spears 5 times. Wow, they are really milking this one. And it was as I thought, as far as religious fanatic episodes, this one is par for the course. irritating and stupid. FYI, it got the lowest score of the season on IMDB. Well I guess we got an answer to my question about if Juliette grew a penis when she changed to Renard. She really got to lay off on that hat bong. We also now know Juliette is not into women, even when she has a penis. OMG, poor Juliette, first she gets stripped and thrown into bed by the red head, then the red head insinuates that she will have sex with her in her vogued form. That makes this a wiccan, lesbian, transexual, furry sexual encounter. Wow, talk about pan sexual. They got some info on the cloth that was wrapped around the magic stick. It saying miraculous and hazardous. Ok, that doesn’t tell us much.