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One think I'd like to point out, when Weir sent her personal message at the end of last season, she literally tells him to find someone else and move on, because she thinks she's going to die. She really shouldn't be shocked that he did exactly what she asked him to do.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Froots... Even though Hermiod is a bit of a fan favourite with as little appearances as he gets (from what I recall) ....Calling him Hemorrhoid is something I wholeheartedly approve of ...It's a good one ...But an old one 2. You want me to put myself in Simons shoes?? ...In a position where I didn't know whether or not the person I loved was alive or dead?? Yeah I guess I'm not like you in every way Froots... But I would NOT. move on unless I was absolutely 110% SURE. about her fate AND. if she were alive I'd talk to her first before POTENTIALLY. moving on ...But I guess that's just me ...Even though she DID. tell him to move on (which he proceeded to waste NO. time on doing) ...He DIDN'T know for sure if she was still alive ...I feel like I would ONLY. be able to MAAAAAYBE. move on if I'd actually had a face to face conversation and not a video message ...And I'm saying that with a strong maaaaybe cause knowing me.. And how I feel about love ...I don't think I would be able to move on .....In fact Simon was a fucking dumbass for not going to Atlantis (but I'm still glad he didn't ..cause of the actor) 3. Sure Froots... Let's pretend instead that Sora became the Bonny Bennett prisoner on Atlantis ....Soooooo.... What are they syphoning from her you think? 4. Why are Major Lorne and some other soldier dude carrying around rocket launchers like it's just another Wednesday?? Why were they EXPECTING. to take down a Wraith Dart? 5. And you pose a good question Froots... What was Beckett doing on this mission?? Convenient he's here to talk shit about McKay and his date and that this female soldier turns out to be into Beckett 6. Soooooo technically 2x03 would have had the new intro in it... But I wanted the addition of Jason Momoa as Ronon Dex to be a surprise and so I edited in the old intro ....As for Ford.. He's no longer part of the cast (which perhaps kinda sucks for you since you said before that you liked his character) ....As some had mentioned before.. The actor wasn't all that happy with his character and so they wrote him out as a main .....Perhaps Ronon can fill in that place for you ...He sure is a cool guy and you seem to be warming up to him FAST. 7. Also notice that Dr. Beckett is now in the intro.. Paul McGillion was upgraded to main cast member with the start of Season 2 8. The day before you watched this I DID. briefly debate with myself (yeah I talk to myself.. I'm insane ..get over it) whether or not to edit the intro out of 2x04 aswell ....Perhaps this scene with Sheppard asking Ronon to be on his team and other scenes in this episode would've hit even better ....But I ultimately didn't do it ofcourse ....Still not sure if I did the right thing 9. Yip... You recognised the woman soldier occupying McKay's mind from The Punisher ...I did see how awkward it was as we JUST. posted The Punisher the other night and was thinking HEY! She's in the episode Shannan will watch tomorrow 10. I feel like Dr. Heighmeyer telling McKay should allow the female soldier to take control of his body is a bit odd ....It's HIS. body ...I mean YES. they're in this situation together but again.. It's still HIS. body ...I dunno... I feel that's kind of a step TOO. far into invading ones privacy even though technically sure invading ones mind is probably higher up ....But why elevate it even further? 11. Hewlett's mannerisms while being the woman soldier are a bit odd too... I don't think the woman soldier would act so... I dunno.. Bubbley?? IF that's the word for it? ..Feminine??? I dunno... But I guess we don't really know her ...It's just a bit odd to see these kinds of mannerisms on a soldier ...added after... Glad I'm not the only one who saw it 12. Taking McKay's body for a run and a workout seems a bit dangerous ...Dude is NOT. a soldier ...She could've done some damage ....What if he had a heart condition she didn't know about?? Or I dunno.. If he was still kinda healing from some type of injury and she didn't pick up on it?? ...Yeah I'm nitpicking ...It's a fun episode ..But still 13. How fucking awkward is this date?? Like... Who brings their doctor friend to a date?? They should have added a person for Beckett aswell ....This is like ...I'm going on a date as a grown-ass adult and I'm bringing my friend along with me cause I'm "special needs" or something 14. Y'know... For a guy who is being considered to be added to the team... Ronon was acting really disinterested the entire episode ...In a real world situation he'd probably be kicked out the door 15. McKay: "Did you every consider that perhaps I don't want to get into a womans......" You: "A woman's what??? A woman's what???" ....McKay perhaps didn't want to get into a womans mind Froots ....A womans MIND. ...Get your mind out of the gutter you frikkin Froot Loop... That's MY. place ....And last I checked I didn't see you paying rent 16. Cadman taking over McKay's body one more time and kissing Beckett... Another violation ...Buuuuuuttt.. I'll admit it WAS. kinda funny though 17. You're right Froots... These were 2 funny Gateverse episodes ..Which can only mean one thing ....This weeks episodes are gonna be utter dog shit.... Let's gooooo!!