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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/go4fupcwjhwves493tlbl/Stargate-SG-1-S09E04-The-Ties-That-Bind-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=br3a5tvthiksarc093af15fty&dl=0

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I love the way Vala is able to get under Daniel's skin. We rarely see this frustrated side of Daniel and it's entertaining to see Vala bring it out. When it comes to characters I usually ship, I've been doing some introspection and noticed a pattern: I'm often drawn to ships where one character is good and the other bad. Typically it's the male character that is bad (The stereotypical "bad boy") and the female character being the moral one that can't stand the other character. So it's interesting that in this case the genders are reversed and I'm enjoying it just as much.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. I didn't add the explanation cause we literally talked about it in voice ...But it was fun watching you stumble trynna explain what I had told you about Lexa joining the show 2. You wondered if she was on Andromeda.. Welp it's one of them shows my dad used to watch on German TV and yeah she's on that ...In fact I'm fairly certain she's the ships computer or something and her name IS. Andromeda.. Same as the ship ...I say fairly certain cause German dub likes to mess with things sometimes ....Looking at you Angel ...Changing it to Angel: Jäger Der Fensternis ....Where the fuck did that last part come from?! (and I know daaaamn well you just ceebed on trying to read that out loud ...shame) 3. You asked if Lexa Doig is British... You asked this during Arrow and Continuum aswell and I answered you then too cause I just "happened to know" (cause of SG-1) ....She's still Canadian 4. Daniel to Bald Guy: "Have you ever heard of the bond being sustained after the bracelets were removed?" ...Bald Guy: "No... It's highly unlikely" .....Dammit... PERFECT. moment to have him saying "No.. That would be inconceivable" and they missed it ...Writers dropped the ball on that one 5. Jeebus... Vala really went ALL. OUT. to get those damn bracelets ....Running around the hills nekkid with an old bald geezer ...She's dedicated to getting what she wants 6. Is the U.S Government stupid!? (rhetorical question) ....They're deciding whether to mothball the SGC in favour of Atlantis??? .....Need I remind you Atlantis is in the Pegasus galaxy?! That's like going to the other side of the world and thinking your house will just be fine while KNOWING. a war is about to break out in your home country ....They might aswell GIVE. the Milky Way galaxy to The Ori with that kinda attitude 7. Seriously... How does she do it?? Everything that comes out of this woman's mouth is either half-truths or just bold lies ....Gotta get the cargo ship in order to get the power coil in order to get the necklace .....Vala stays busy scheming ....She's GREAT! 8. Vala: "Since I'm here.. Shall we make the best of it?" Daniel: "No we shallen't" ....Shallen't Daniel?? ..That was pretty funny ....Question though ...HOW. did Vala get from her room (that had a guard in front of it) to Daniels room across the hall?? Are there vents in every room?? And if so... Why aren't they bolted shut?? 9. Is this dude stupid?! He's saying Daniel and Vala probably made up The Ori to give the SGC a reason to continue to exist ....But Daniel is right.. A Prior came through the gate ...Now even if the guy was just spouting some religious nonsense.. That doesn't matter... The Prior came through the gate and spoke about The Ori and mentioned Daniel BY. NAME. ...WHILE. Daniel and Vala were unconscious ....How fucking ignorant can you be if you don't see there's a big threat here?! 10. Yeah this dude IS. a fucking dumbass... Thinking that just cause we have discovered Atlantis and have 2 ships at our disposal plus the Ancient Weapons Platform at Antarctica that we're strong enough to defend ourselves ....2 ships are not even close enough to be able to defend us.. Atlantis is in another galaxy and the AWP has no ZPM to power it ....We are HILARIOUSLY outgunned to fight The Ori 11. A CGI shot of a cargo ship is seen approaching the planet SG-1 is meeting the smugglers .....Me: "Eeeehmm... Bish ....That's Earth!" ...IT IS! ...You can make out what looks like a tiny bit of Africa, The Middle East and some of Asia ...And no.. They're not meeting the smugglers on Earth.. There were only 4 lifesigns on the planet ....Thought we wouldn't notice ...But we ....Well... I did 12. Welp... Seems Daniel and Vala are stuck to be in eachothers vicinity at all times or they'll die ...I guess she's not going anywhere Froots.. You got your wish!