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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hc8mcgmh1i6ovg0ktamxi/Chuck-S04E12-Chuck-Versus-The-Gobbler-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=1iwvgbe9c9brtvqxzpirde7mk&dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

This was a good episode, I liked how it started out making it seem like Sarah going undercover with Volkoff wouldn't be that difficult, that Chuck and Sarah would still be able to interact, that Sarah wouldn't have to do that much to proof herself and that they would get information on Volkoff quickly. Only for it to suddenly take a turn and get very serious, with Sarah having to proof herself in a much worse way, Casey getting hurt and Sarah having to cut off communication. I like how it took the stakes seriously, considering how difficult it's been for Chuck's mother, that just adding Sarah to the mix didn't immediately change the situation. I like that they still managed to give Chuck and Sarah some good moments in the episode and that it seems Morgan is in love.


That was me :) They are called In Medias Res - A narrative work beginning in medias res opens in the midst of the plot. Often, exposition is bypassed and filled in gradually, through dialogue, flashbacks or description of past events.