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A therapist telling you how you feel can be a strategy in therapy. Some therapists attempt to summarize what you're saying into a feeling and explanation as a tactic to help you think about things and are looking for either a confirmation or correction. Oh yikes, there's no number because Harold is ignoring them. Everyone's hurt and struggling it seems. I get that Harold is sad and hurting, but it might be better to give Shaw direction, or else who knows where she might end up. Oh noooo this dude has knowledge - I bet that's the problem. yup, definitely his problem. Kid and bird - my first thought is Harold. He always uses birds as his last name. Called it! Woah there's something very interesting going on with this dude. HOLY SHIT HE KNOWS HIM! I suspected with the funky way Harold looked at the picture when it first popped up but woah. I think something is quite fishy with the wife. I'm wondering if she's some sort of government plant and they faked the marriage or something. A second machine is quite a twist! I imagine though that they wouldn't be exactly the same. I feel like Harold is special in how much work and effort he put into teaching the machine ethics and making sure that she couldn't be corrupted in any way. Oh, I guess they're all gone. I wonder if Samaritan was the next closest to being a working machine and that's why they want it. Oh, that's not quite what I expected. Diane was a real person, just not her. This was a bit of a twist and I am here for it. Welp, this is quite a pickle! I'm not quite sure how we're getting out of this one. Sorry for the long comment, but I had so many thoughts this episode!


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