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Brandon Wiesner

I don't know why Ally feels like she has to drum up drama. She should know, as a fellow lawyer, sometimes you have to work when you don't want to or even if you're needed elsewhere. In this case, Larry had a rock star retain him and the case was unexpected. He did go out of his way to set up a birthday duet with Sting. But this whole thing where she says he's going to leave, like where is she getting that from?


1. About the comment reading section and the topic of "over-population" being a "good" reason to be against cloning ....I think that's such a dumb stance to have... I'm sorry and I don't mean to offend... But we as humans have most DECIDEDLY. NOT. reached anywhere close to over-population yet ....If you'd actually take a look at our planet there's still SO. MUCH. room on this planet left.. Both on land.. Water.. Hell we could potential go up as well ....The thought of "We need to calm down cause we're overpopulated" is just mind boggling to me... Again.. Sorry... But I can't DISAGREE. more with this idiotic idea that I've seen people have on this subject not just here but other comments too ....But also ...Think about the fact that we've reached a technological state where we have started to make food by artificial means ...If the whole reason is that "We'll run out of food" ....Then it's also a rediculous stance to have cause we can literally MAKE. MORE. ....I am wholeheartedly of the belief that if humanity would work together (instead of being at eachothers throat all the time ...sure... we'd NEED. to overcome THAT.) ...We'd be able to achieve some incredible things to get whatever we'd need to survive even IF. we'd reach the stage where there'd be hundreds of billions of humans instead of a measily 8 billion... Yes.. 8 billion is NOT. that much considering MOST. of the planet is 75+% water... We can build cities on water.. Why not?? .....Sorry but... I am NOT. a supporter to the dumb-founded idea that there's too many people... It's rediculous .....That said ...On a personal level... People ...Can't live with them ...The end 2. You after Renée tells Ally she looks good for being 40 and Ally throws something at her: "If someone's feeling upset about something, don't make a joke about it" ....Solid advice Froots ....But I tend to do the opposite ...I often use humour to deflate a situation ...It doesn't ALWAYS. work out well... But it's my way of trying to lighten up someone's mood ...You know me... You've been there ...I'll never stop doing it ...Sorry not sorry 3. Really?? Sting gets sued cause some dude thinks he was singing to his wife while he was on stage?? YEAH... You're right Froots... There's a fuckton of lights in a performer's face while on stage and knowing Sting it was probably a packed performance ....So he was singing and was looking down at what might have been her or more likely just some really bright lights shining directly in his face ....This case doesn't make any sense ....But hey... We got Sting... Let's have him sing WOOP WOOP! 4. Ok... ...Why are we pretending that his work life needs to be the cause for him to be able to sue?? Why not just be honest and sue cause he feels his surgery was botched and his boyfriend left him for it? .....But if we can be really real about this... Dude went in for surgery and his nose got botched up in his opinion... THAT. is cause enough ....But I feel like instead of admitting the truth that he's hurt his boyfriend left him we need to come up with some back-up excuse and say it's his work that got affected ....Like we're trynna downplay that he's gay .....I dunno if this made sense ...I've tried wording this note several times ...Moving on I guess 5. Yeeeeah NOT. ok... Jackson gave a copy of Ally (and Renées) appartment key to Richard?? Jackson doesn't even live there!! ...NOT. COOL. 6. Ally: "The first thing a woman does when she gets a new boyfriend is she redresses him" HA! ....That sounds just all kindsa wrong ...Woman finds a guy... Instantly tries to change him?? ....What's wrong with just being with the guy you fell in love with?? Why do women have this need to change a guy? .....We're not the dolls you played with as a kid ...You either love us for who we are or you don't ....I'm sorry did I just come off as being anti-feminist?? Cause I totally don't mean it in that way ...I'm not having the best time with wording things today it seems ....But as a guy.. What Ally said just sounded weird to me and slightly offensive even 7. Ok so this PeeWee guy has a lot of insecurity to deal with.. Sueing Sting for "wooing" his wife ....But the wife is also VERY. delusional ....I don't think these 2 need to sue Sting ...They need couple counceling 8. Y'know ...It's Ally's birthday... And I GET. that Elaine has this whole thing where everything needs to be about her ....But again... It's Ally's birthday.... This song Elaine is singing I feel has NOTHING. to do with birthdays or anything really ...Her performance was so self-absorbed it was just cringey to watch ...And Jackson backing her up ...CLEARLY. the dude doesn't give a FUCK. about anyone in this bar or he wouldn't have gone along with this charade 9. Sure... Sting.. Mah dude... Feed INTO her delusions and tell her she was right and you DID. want to run away with her ....Given this is a TV Show that ended up waaaay different than it would have went in real life ....There's no way PeeWee would have still wanted to be married to his wife ....Imagine you're in a relationship and you sue someone for looking at your significant other in a certain way ...Your significant other is delusional enough to think you're actually right about your assumptions and then the performer actually goes along with the whole thing ("to give her hope") .....I dunno about you Froots ....But I'd never be able to trust my significant other again .......Plus I'd also think she's fucking stupid 10. As you know... (since I told you in a DM after you watched the episode) ...I LOVE. this scene with RDJ singing Every Breath You Take.... RDJ is the main reason I watched this with you... But it's preceded by what is probably one of the DUMBEST. things Ally has EVER. said in ANY. episode .....I shit you not... Just before Larry starts singing... The lights go out... And this woman ....Who is smart enough to have a fucking law degree ...Says: "Oh.. Ok what the hell is this?? Is this dark?" .....Yes Ally... If the lights go off... That is was "dark" looks like ....HOW. is that even English!? ....Is this dark??? ....GHWAT!?

Brandon Wiesner

If you do a quick google search, you will find many articles about how the expoential growth of people has harmed many different ecosystems throughout the world. Maybe you don't see it in your area but it does exist in things like climate change, pollution, deforestation, wildlife species going extinct and other environmental impacts.