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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2iawxudz1moy8lc56cbqe/Grimm-S05E15-Skin-Deep-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=he3mvv3v11fvbjlad9qn4ftqy&dl=0

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Girl, whyyyyyyyy would you go off to some rando's place ALONE??? Yikes, I don't know what that dude is but gross. Doctor dude in the end was intensly creepy looking and the transition to Renard was quite jarring.

Patrick - Excelsior

At a strangers place, bring your own bottled water! Yeah, just about every supernatural show eventually does the stealing youth episode. OK, the spitting up goo thing is gross. Hey, that dude has a face thats a cross between the Predator a clown and ballon pump. Juliette shares the scoop on Renard with the Grimm gang. Now they can keep an eye out for his shenanigans. (Not to be confused with Shananigans. Juliette making a Witchy potion, gonna smoke the hat bong. I don't get it. The women use the FOY goo, they look younger. The doctor uses it he goes from old looking straight to creepy monster face. Juliette used the hat bong to take on Renards body. That transformation looked kind of painful. Her back, for a second, even showed him voguing into a Zaberbeist. So a detailed transformation. ... I wonder... did she just grow a penis and a pair of ...? Cuz that would be just ... weird.