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Patrick - Excelsior

WTH, Khal Drogo has kidnapped Sheppard and Teyla. I like that Momoa ended passing out after the tracker removal, it showed that he is VERY tough but not super human. Although he did hold his own with Super Ford even though both were injured. Wow, what are the odds. Aquaman makes an appearance in a show called Atlantis, about a city that had sunk to the bottom of an ocean. Sad about his home-world.


It's been a while since I heard gushing in your voice. It's a good look on you.


1. Just in case there's any confusion... This is the 2nd trip the Daedalus is taking to the Pegasus galaxy ...The first having been the one where they went to defend Atlantis from The Wraith ofcourse ...WHILE. this trip is going on.. Daniel and Vala are linked up and about to cause trouble for the Milky Way galaxy by meeting The Ori ....That's right.. THIS. is the trip Daniel missed (continuity!!!) ....And sadly he won't be able to go now that they have their hands full with fighting The Ori ....There's a bunch of subtle details showing that this IS. the flight Daniel missed ...One being that in 9x01 Daniel mentioned some data that the Atlantis expedition brought back WITH. them ....As in... Not the data they sent through the gate in Letters From Pegasus... No... They actually brought data on Atlantis WITH. them back to Earth... Some of the briefings regarding this data were shown in this (2x02) very episode ...There's more hints but this note would become too long for you to read ...Moving on 2. You about The Asgard after Sheppard asks if they're always naked: "Why have we never offered them clothes?" .....Good question Froots ...I've got a question too... What made The Asgard go full nude to begin with?? ...Who made this decision for their ENTIRE. civilisation?? 3. Weir and Beckett are choosing new members to recruit and one of the personel folders has the picture of a familiar face on it ....It's none other than Peter Deluise.. Sneaking in a headshot of himself into the episode as one of the potential candidates to join the Atlantis expedition 4. I'll make the executive decision here to put an end to any doubt.. I'm glad Simon (Weir's now ex) didn't come to Atlantis ...Not cause he wouldn't have been a valuable assett given he's supposedly a well respected doctor or whatever ...But solely due to the fact that out of all recurring actors... Having this actor be part of the show for more than this would have completely taken me out of the immersion ....Narim (his Tollan character) while not VERY. prominent on SG-1 was still in enough episodes for the casting of him as Simon to always throw me off ...And it was the butt of jokes too... Like Narim didn't really die.. He just hid on Earth and changed his name ....So yeah.. Glad he's not joining 5. I believe Sheppard only got promoted to Colonel due to Weir's request ...As he said in the beginning on 2x02 many people thought he'd never make it past Captain ....And given his track record he'd probably have stayed a Major or even been relocated if it hadn't been for Weir vouching for him 6. Transporters in scifi work in a different way than you think Froots... While SOMETIMES. for a gag they'll write it so that a sitting person will fall flat on their ass after getting transported from somewhere while in a sitting position ....MOST. of the times transporter tech will have it so while in transit to the location the computer will make it that the person will be standing on the other end ....Hence why Sheppard didn't fall on his ass when he got teleported out of the F-302 .....Although admittedly... It would have been funny 7. Sheppard is technically right here though ....The "fix" they're trying to use here on the Daedalus to reboot the ship's systems is literally that they're turning it off and then back on again ...sarcastic voice... I'm surprised it didn't work 8. Expanding (kinda) on Note 4. ....Weir was gone for a year... Simon KNEW. she was on a mission to Atlantis ....He DIDN'T have any confirmation whether she was alive or dead... BUT... The dude just moved on with his life ....I mean... I GET. that it had been a year ...But still... Have some tact ....Find out FOR. SURE. if she's alive or dead and if she's alive.. TALK TO HER ...Before moving on ....This guy was just the worst ...Hopefully Weir finds someone who DOES. deserve her 9. I suspecting the F-302 had a little duck plushy hanger in there cause one of the pilots left it in there ...Pilots often have a good luck charm with them ...The little duck was that.. A good luck charm 10. While Sheppard chasing the infected F-302 makes for a soooomewhat exciting chase scene... (I agree the episode was meh) ...The Daedalus is ALSO. infected ....Why didn't the virus just use the Daedalus's weapons to blow up Sheppard's F-302?? Plothole Froots... Mind your step 11. You're probably recognising Major Lorne from having seen him on SG-1 (and the actor also playing an evil Men Of Letters member on Supernatural / or maybe it was The Winchesters) ....SOME. people in the comments on YouTube for the SG-1 episodes he was in figured it wasn't a big deal to say he was going to Atlantis at some point ...But try as they might... Every spoiler gets deleted 12. Speaking about a spoiler here though... Since I knew there was a certain very recognisable named actor in this episode... And given the humour behind his connection with another lost city by the same name ...I took the liberty to blur out his name in the credits to see how long it'd take you to make the joke or at the very least recognise him (it took you a hot minute) ....This is the episode where Aquaman visited Atlantis ....People also tried to spoil that little piece of intel.... Na-uh bish... DENIED! 13. You about Jason Momoa: "I'm not gonna lie ...He's... He's kinda doing it for meee" HA! Ok calm down Froots... You don't wanna start a war with a certain white haired psycho girl and her dragon 14. Why did The Wraith release Aquaman if they were only going to hunt him you ask?? For sport Froots ....Apparently some people can't be fed on ...So they're turned into what are called "Runners" and set free so that The Wraith can have some fun hunting their prey instead of just feeding on people all the time 15. Not gonna lie... Seeing Jason Momoa do his thing here ..Slinging that gun around (that was pretty cool yeah) ....And fighting Ford hand to hand later too ...Really reminds me of his time in the DCEU and doing some cool stuff ...I bet he did all the stunts himself ....Dude seems like a pretty cool guy IRL 16. Ford has really gone coocoo for coco puffs hasn't he?? His emotions are ALL. over the place ....Dude needs some chill pills and relax a bit 17. Aaaaand he runs INTO a Wraith transporter beam .....This dude is officially off the reservation 18. Poor Aquaman lost his world ...But.. With his tracker having been taken out.. Perhaps he can now retire ...Maybe find a lighthouse.. Settle down ...Just NOT. with a red-haired mermaid... Cause who know what kinda shit he'll find in his bed 19. Since this no longer has any impact on the story going forward... You were wondering as to the status of Sora.. The Genii prisoner that supposedly was being held on Atlantis and who hadn't showed up again but was only briefly mentioned in episode 1x16 - "The Brotherhood" ...Apparently there was a scene in 1x20 - "The Siege: Part 2" that was cut due to time contraints... It saw Sora being traded for the Genii nuclear bomb ...It didn't make it into the episode and so her status was left a mystery ...There are books that have her in it apparently ...But I don't consider books canon to the show soooooo... Unless we just pretend that she DID. get traded ..We'll never know ...I choose to pretend she did ....I don't think it's often that Stargate drops the ball on continuity... Sadly this was a production issue since the scene apparently WAS. shot ...It just didn't make it in