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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rg5a00qpngakcjjnf3eaw/Stargate-Atlantis-S02E02-The-Intruder-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=ghxt1rg97pq7trax9isl1f9un&dl=0

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For the record, Hermiod's name is pronounced Her-Me-Odd. It doesn't really fit English pronunciation as it's a Norse name. Like all the Asguard names, it's based on a Norse god, one of Odin's sons and the messenger of the gods. One of the things I really like about this episode, is that if you go back and rewatch the previous episode, you can find the exact moment when they get infected. They even comment about a Wraith ship getting really close to them. They don't know why, but they don't question it at the time. I love it when they plan these things out ahead of time and set them up properly. Also, I think that this is the trip that Daniel missed rather than the first trip Daedalus took. The first trip would have left shortly after the end of the previous SG1 season, but as much as a couple of months have passed and they were at Earth for a full month, so I think Daniel was supposed to be one of the new Atlantis staff being taken by the Daedalus rather than the initial rescue mission, which would have been entirely military. Remember over a month has taken place between this episode and the previous one.

Patrick - Excelsior

Sam started the show as a Lieutenant. Then advanced to Major, then to Lieutenant Colonel. Sheppard started the show as a Major, so he only went up one rank. It took Sam until early season 3 to get one rank jump, where as Sheppard got his in early season 2. This may be in part due to the fact that Sheppard was likely in the active-duty military for a longer period of time. Sam having to get a PHD in physics meant far more school than the bachelors degree needed to become a pilot. But the ‘major’ factor (sorry for pun) being that Weir forced the military’s hand in giving him the raise. They made it clear they felt he was not yet ready for the promotion.