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This episode was fantastic. I feel like every part of it really spoke to and solidified parts of some of our characters. I think the flashbacks shown to us here were also fascinating in showing us where Harold, John, Shaw, and Fusco came from. Seeing the effect that Harold has had on John really shone through here as well. On his own, I don't think John would have hesitated to pull the trigger, but the moment he heard Harold's voice, you can see the physical change. Fusco's monologue felt a little long and out of character for him; I don't think we needed so much exposition to understand that Carter's positive influence impacted the decision he made regarding Simmons. And I felt a strong sense of satisfaction in how Simmons went out in the end and in the way Elias characterized the difference between him and Carter and the responsibility he felt to her (especially considering that she did save his life). Amazing episode all around.


Back to Carter & John's kiss for a moment. (And great point about John & Zoe, btw!) With this foresight, when rewatching, I was trying to pay attention to any hint of a romantic spark between Carter & John. None! Sure, they save each others' behinds a lot, but the only conversation they have that could count as intimate was back when John was captured during a bank heist and Carter was pretending to interrogate him (2x12 - Prisoner's Dilemma). Even then, all their interactions still read better as building camaraderie, not romance. Yes, fine, I'll get off my soap box! :-) I know TV shows've got to TV show, but the generally high quality of the writing on POI makes moments like these stick in my craw. Now, this episode. High class! Writing, directing, acting + all the right feels. The thing about Fusco's confession. I don't remember how the dates line up, but in my head it only makes sense after his buddy Stills dragged Fusco into HR's business and got him to dirty his hands. Otherwise, I don't think Fusco would have hesitated as much that first time Stills brought him to clean up after a dirty deal, where he and his pals robbed and killed some drug dealers. And just for fun... For those familiar with therapy, how would you rate the different therapists we saw here with Finch, Shaw, Reese and Fusco? Do you also see your therapist as a faceless, almost-out-of-the-frame character? :-)


The kiss was unscripted. From what I've read, the actors came up with it and it was with the intent to show the depth in the connection between their two characters rather than to be seen as romantic. It didn't work and sadly it was kept in the episode.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I love the fact that John did still pull the trigger tho. His respect for Harold made him stop for a bit and hear him out, but John is still who he really is at the end of the day.