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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cz78y7loh9hon9zlbafef/Chuck-S04E11-Chuck-Versus-The-Balcony-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=w8fpigzjl5btsvwsk3tqzwn2m&dl=0

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I loved this episode! This is the relationship drama I love! Not fighting all the time and break ups. Some fighting is ok bc every couple fights but this show manages to actually keep them together instead of break them up. This is one of the reasons season 4 is one of my favorite seasons. We actually see chuck and Sarah together the entire season just being a couple and having organic drama stories with it. Even the end of this episode when she is going undercover and leaving, they didnt break up like every other TV show would do. She's just going to help his mom and she's going to come back as soon as she can. PLEASE DO MORE TV RELATIONSHIPS LIKE THIS. Also it's kinda funny how everybody on the show thinks Lester is annoying but I do genuinely like his singing. That's one positive thing about him. Jeffster is great when they sing during important parts of the episode like last season with Ellie's wedding. Let's see what happens next episode.

Jeremy Burch

I thought this was a good episode, the case of the French terrorist wasn't the most interesting but it wasn't really the important part of the mission, that was Chuck's proposal to Sarah and that entire storyline was really well done. It had some funny moments and some really great and sweet moments like the balcony scene but also the great unexpected moment with Casey and Chuck. Singing rather publicly for a person, the second time you've met them, especially when your trying to make up for a bad first impression, not the best idea. Although to give Lester some credit, he was straight up, completely honest about who he was, which I wasn't expecting, I thought he was going to come up with some crazy lie to try to trick her, so a plus for honesty I guess. It was probably also the least terrible we've seen Lester be in this series, minus the finger on the mouth thing, don't... just don't do that, Lester.