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Really good standalone episode. I loved seeing Isabel use her dream powers again and she used it to help someone. Valenti has become such a great character, remember when you hated him in season 1? I love character development!! This season seems to be getting better! Were a little over halfway through the series already! I've been enjoying it so far. What about you?


This is the other episode I might've first watched in season 2 with no context - like who the hell is Brad? Also this has the 1 song I've been trying to figure out what it is for years now, the one when Liz says she's a Max-a-holic and then Sean is introduced. I know I knew the title of this song back then, there definitely was a music video, but Shazam is no help despite the song playing for a good minute. I just refer to it as the budget Goo Goo Dolls song because that's who I thought it was. Also also Majandra posted a picture a few months ago that her daughter thought Sean was cute. They were married for a year. The caption read something like should I tell her.


1. You about a comment: "I don't like watching the same chrimmus movie every year" ....Yeah me neither... They've played Home Alone to death over here EVERY year ...Maybe put on something else every once in a while?? ...Suggestion... ELF?? ...smirk... 2. Hoooold up... The kid from the movie Pay It Forward looked a lot like someone you had a crush on?? ....That was Haley Joel Osment btw .....Which just FYI... A previous note on 2x10 was me joking about Max seeing dead people and that he needed to call Bruce Willis ...TOTALLY DIDN'T mean for this to happen... But that joke was about The Sixth Sense ALSO. starring Haley Joel Osment 3. This girl.... Sees Max and Isabel watching stuff on a tiny TV... "This is a tiny TV.. I could never" .....Froots... You're watching this episode on a fucking PIP window 4. Oh crap... Holtz has found his way from L.A. to Roswell ...Is he hunting aliens now as well? 5. Ok... Archeologist Dude is back and he's at the Evans house waiting for Isabel apparently just free to sit in the kitchen and flip channels on their TV ...Where the fuck are the parents?? ...I feel like this grown-ass dude who is picking up their 18 year old daughter has a bit too much freedom here 6. Soooo... Lemme get this straight... This mum let her daughter go out with an over-night bag and a cosmetics case ...CLEARLY the daughter was gonna stay the night somewhere ....And the mum thought it was a smart idea to take her daughter's phone cause "She was spending too much money?" .....Congrats mum.. You got your daughter kidnapped cause she couldn't call for help ....And also... This takes place in 2001 ...Ain't no smart phones out yet! ....The fuck would the daughter use her phone on and spend money?? Ads on TV? The FUCK?!! 7. Maybe I missed it... But if Isabel can only dreamwalk into people's dreams by touching their picture first and the girl doesn't go to their school so she wouldn't be in THEIR yearbook that Isabel was using... HOW. did she get into that girl's dreams or mind or whatever? 8. Yeeeeeeahhh... How about instead of acting shady keeping your equipment in what looks like a body bag... You just say "You can't look in this bag it's got photo-sensitive equipment in it" ...Maaaaaybe the sheriff would've believed you ....I mean... I wouldn't... But still.. Don't act so shady Archeologist Dude 9. Okeeeeeyy.. Isabel touched the girl's hand and saw some blue shit??? The fuck was that about? I guess we'll find out next time... On Dragonball Z!!