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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bv8ugv78640mwwaogrgvx/Gen-V-S01E06-Jumanji-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=uxafg5acdx765pn2im3gm0d7f&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

This episode was definitely better than much of the season so far. I didn't even mind that it was shorter, because it seemed like a lot happened. Unfortunately Soldier Boy's cameo was spoiled for me but it was still cool to see him.


Sam and Emma are so cute together. I ship them and hope theyre endgame. Just like i hope Hughie and Starlight are endgame. I love romances mixed into my favorite show. I really liked this episode. It was really fun to see them go inside her head. Im not sure what to expect from the next 2 episodes but i wonder if it will crossover with the boys? So they want to make a virus that kills supes? Thats their way of controlling them. Now they have a way to kill Homelander but if they make it contagious then basically all the supes will die soon enough. Not good.