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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/09sy5gr4c8p9mdab8qa6j/Ally-McBeal-S04E17-The-Pursuit-Of-Unhappiness-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=8e2jnri0c0sdzycwebwvz9kid&dl=0

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1. Ok we're definitely not on the same wavelength when it comes to the perception of "self-respect" ...But hey.. We can't have the same opinion on EVERYTHING.. People might confuse us for being the same person 2. Seriously Elaine? ....ZERO. character growth ...You're IN a relationship ...You bumped into some guy you met on a dating site a year ago and INSTEAD. of telling him "Nah sorry I'm seeing someone now" ..You said "Hell yeah let's go out and get drinks and then do a little something something back at my place" ......I feel absolutely ZERO. empathy for her and how she says "I feel extremely ashamed of myself" ...If you love someone.. You DON'T. cheat ....She should end it with Mark. .....Even though I don't give a shit about the guy... Dude deserves better 3. Oh ok a guy who has a neurological affliction that makes him unable to get mad?? ...I had a teacher in high school who had that ....I didn't have any classes with him but during orientation day he explained to us that no matter what... We wouldn't be able to anger him ....I ofcourse asked if I could test that theory ...He said no.. Rude .....To this day I'm still bummed out that I never got any classes with him ....I was never able to test his limits ....For sure he'd had never met anyone as annoying as me 4. Truth be told I kinda envy this guy ...Always happy no matter what happens ....Can I have some of that please? Imagine NEVER. getting depressed ever again ...NOTHING bad ever bothering you ....I mean sure it'd probably annoy the shit outta the people around you ...But ...I don't care ...Let me be happy 5. New Guy insisting the husband and wife sign pre-nups cause the husband is a bald overweight looking guy and in New Guy's mind that means the wife will probably leave him is absolutely disgusting ...These 2 have found love and in comes this shallow dickwad with his own limited views on love and it could potentially ruin something beautiful 6. Ally... The fuck!? ....Telling Elaine to keep up the lie... "In this situation you have to" .....No ...Just... NO. ....Elaine SHOULD. tell the truth ....I swear... Ally has NO. business giving ANYONE. relationship advice 7. Aaaaaaaand here... We... Go.... Husband is starting to view himself the way New Guy is seeing him ...A bald ugly fool ...If this ends up with these 2 randoms breaking up cause of New Guys views on love ...I'mma hate New Guy forever ........Y'know what ...Kinda makes me think that him and Renée are PERFECT. for eachother though ...They're both shallow as FUCK. 8. It's fucking sad that Elaine has roped Ally into making up lies for her... And that Ally is actually doing it too ...Again.. I don't fucking care about Mark... But why would anyone do this kinda shit to someone they love? ...It doesn't make sense to me.. Relationships are built on trust ....Be honest ...If you can't do that ..End it and let the person be with someone that DOES. deserve them 9. Okkkeeeeeyyyy... Good on Elaine for bursting into the room and telling some of the truth I suppose ....I STILL. think too little too late though... I don't give a shit how sorry she supposedly feels.. Maybe it's just cause I have ZERO. remorse for cheaters... BUT ...Combined with how she got the hots for New Guy for the past several episodes ...She needs some serious self reflection before getting into a relationship 10. Hold the fucking phone... HOOOOLD IIIIT!!! ....Did New Guy just try and say that it was Larry that said these 2 should get a pre-nup cause of Bald Guys money!?!? .....Fuuuuuuuuuccck yooouuuuuuu... It was cause of New Guys limited shallow mind that these 2 are in this scenario ....They had a good thing going until HE. suggested pre-nups ....Larry was just an innocent bystander! 11. (said in sarcastic voice) Awwwwwww... Elaiiiinneeee... You feel insecure cause Mark judges yooouuuu?? ....Here's a thought ...Maybe don't flirt with other guys and cheat on him??? ...I dunno... What do I know... Right?? ...Ok now where did I put this thing ...Hold on ......Ah here it is ...holds up worlds tiniest violin 12. FUCK.. THE HELL... OFF.... Elaine... Trynna tell these people to go somewhere else to talk about love... Nobody fucking cares about your little sob story ...You did this to yourself ...added later... The episode ends with a shot of her walking the streets alone ....Good ...Think about what you've done and go find some character development 13. And good on John for talking these 2 randoms back into getting married ....New Guy almost screwed that shit up 14. .......Really??? Elaine is puking her guts out??? .....Is she preggers all of a sudden or are they going for a dumb joke?? 15. You: "What are your stands on pre-nups" ....I would think IF I'd end up getting married I'd do it with the person I KNOW. I would love until the end ...But in the very unlikely event that I would get divorced ...I don't have ANYTHING. to take ...So a pre-nup? ...I don't care enough to sign one .....IF I was loaded ...Again same scenario.. I don't settle for anyone less than the person I KNOW. I would love forever ....BUT.. In the VERY. unlikely scenario of a divorce ....I'd rather keep all my money ....Cause IF. I'd get divorced ...And that's a big IF ....There's be a DAMN GOOD. reason for it ....And it sure as FUCK. wouldn't be ME. cheating